Been a while since I last saw a fasces
I don’t get it tankie, what is that supposed to be?
Historically and politically illiterate.
Any chance these two things are related?
Imagine thinking “I don’t get it” is an own.
Same energy when people say TLDR. Like sorry you have Spongebob brain and can’t read more than 140 characters? This is supposed do be a diss against me?
It’s a fasces, a bundle of sticks, search it if you would like to know more
You need somebody to explain to you what a fascio littorio is?
All he sees is a reflection like when a golden retriever sees its reflection in the mirror and gets confused. Cut him some slack.
To be fair, I didn’t know what that was either.
It’s not like the US schools would want you to know fascist symbols.
Yeah, that’s fair. I was guessing that that chump thought that “red fascism” was a thing, and if somebody is going to use that phrase unjokingly then I’d expect them to recognize actual fascist symbols.
If somebody like you asked respectfully what the symbol was then I would have responded in kind.
But you didn’t have a hostile attitude about it. And he used the word tankie as an insult right off the bat, so you can guess his politics.
Treat this battle Like the gallows, take another dive