Dear Daughter,

I am sorry to say that your Grandpa in New York fought a tough battle against cancer and he unfortunately passed away in September. I’ve been going back to New York every three months since Grandpa got sick to spend a few weeks with them each time, to help around the house. They have been really good at my work, allowing me to go back to the office in Manhattan where I used to work before I moved. But his time finally came and he is now with God in heaven.

Grandpas funeral was nice. He was a very loved man with so many friends. We couldn’t pack everyone into the funeral home it was so crowded. There were two soldiers there that provided a military funeral honor. They folded the U.S. flag and presented it to Grandma. It was very touching. Grandma was crying.

Your mom was great support. She flew out right away and helped me feel better about everything. We were at home after the funeral and I got into an argument with your aunt and uncle and your mom jumped in to defend me. I was real proud of your mom for sticking up for me. I guess things get stressful sometimes when people pass away. Later on, your uncle stated that he didn’t think it was appropriate for her to get involved since she really wasn’t family. Everyone made up afterwards, so all was good.

Grandpa’s ashes will be spread up in the mountains in New York. Grandma made a joke that the deer that Grandpa used to hunt are now going to pee on his ashes as payback for trying to shoot them. We all laughed. She is so funny sometimes. We’re all sad to say goodbye to Grandpa. He will be missed.

Your Dad