E-bikes are not bicycles
The article makes a strong assertion that e-bikes are something entirely different than regular bikes and should be regulated separately.
Do you think e-bikes should always be allowed to follow the same paths and rules as regular person-powered bicycles? Or should communities treat them as something different?
They’re for all intents and purposes motorcycles these days.
What about the “class” system that has been proposed by some? The concept is that ebikes are divided up into 4 classes, loosely:
class 1: slow speed, motor runs only when you pedal
class 2: still slow, but the throttle works even if you don’t pedal
class 3: pedal assist only, faster
class 4: anything over 750W and no speed limit
I think casual commute riders will find that the first 3 classes of ebikes are suitable for many locations, but sport and off-road users will want more power and control.
If this regulation remains mainstream, perhaps the riding location, insurance (if any) and related liabilities, can be limited based on the class of ebike?
What if manufacturers begin to implement geo controls into ebikes so that the “class” is dependent on it’s physical location? Could regulations be adapted to technology such as this?