Wanted to do a post to see what things you guys want in this community! If we get enough interest for certain things we can start running them

For example I started a thing called showcase sunday that I’ll be running every week with weekly posts for people to talk about their game projects. In addition I’ve got a question of the day going where theres a new question for people to answer every day

Feel free to comment some suggestions down below! Also if anyone is interested in helping out with running the community feel free to also comment or send me a message (dm button is in my profile)

  • @[email protected]
    62 years ago

    What about learning material? Not only simple game tutorials (but also that!) but tips and tricks, free assets and things like that, that encourage people that want to try Godot for the first time.

    • AtegonOPM
      32 years ago

      Yeah we can start getting some more learning material in here. I’m probably going to do a post to compile a bunch of resources and then there can be something like Welcoming Wednesday where theres a thread and posts to help onboard people onto Godot

      • @TeaHands
        32 years ago

        I have a suggestion for an eventual resources thread! As a recent Unity to Godot convert myself I had trouble finding anywhere that mapped Unity concepts to their Godot equivalents. But this talk covers all the essentials, wish I’d found it six weeks ago when I started learning. https://youtube.com/watch?v=toE-YUqEdA8

  • @[email protected]
    32 years ago

    Maybe a casual game-jam once in a while? Or we could organise the creation of some Mix and Jam style tutorial projects aimed at experienced users, replicating some features from popular games. Showing off what Godot can do and how to do it, in bite-sized open-source projects? GDQuest’s free character models would be perfect for this. 👀

    Just picture that lil’ boï entering an oddly large blue pipe and turning into a retro pixel-art version of himself for a platforming demo. Nothing too deep or complicated, just the whole switching from controlling a 3D character to a 2D character in its own viewport, whose texture is pasted onto a wall in the 3D world and then back to the 3D character. That kinda stuff.

    • AtegonOPM
      32 years ago

      Yeah some game jams would be great and would be a nice way to bring some people to the community here as well! I can run a poll to see what people prefer in terms of running general jams or ones for the mix and jam games

  • @[email protected]
    2 years ago

    I would love to have a game night! There is a dev I follow on Twitch who occasionally does a community event at https://www.codingame.com/multiplayer/clashofcode

    Everyone plays the game in whatever language they like and he critiques your code if you want him to. It’s so much fun! More than that, it’s a great way to learn while being social. We could do events in Discord with groups in a voice channel.

  • @Panda
    22 years ago

    I’d love to see more discussions about the C# side of things. There are a lot of resources for GDScript but not a lot about C# in Godot.