Basically, the title. I’ve used revanced to patch YouTube and Reddit’s app. YouTube only seems to work if I install as root. Reddit’s app only seems to work if I don’t use root. Wondering why that is.

  • @raldone01
    3 months ago

    YouTube works without root. It’s just an issue with the proprietary split APK format Google introduced. You have to download the APK manually from a site like apkmirror.

    Google creators of the still too open android os.

    Edit: The information above is only partially correct. The issue is that when Google introduced split apks and bundles it did not provide a standard implementation in AOSP leading to fragmentation and proprietary formats by third parties. In the past AOSP could just install apks but these new split APK formats need separate apps to handle them if they are available.

      • @raldone01
        3 months ago

        Right. Google primary developers of the still too open android os.

            • @yaaaaayPancakesOP
              21 year ago

              Yeah, Google has stopped developing the aosp apps that we consider core phone os functionality (dialer, contacts, etc). Because usually when aosp is forked and distributed, those apps are supplied by the distribution and unused.

              It sucks and it puts more effort on the rom devs. But tbh we’re many years into this, I’d prefer Google focus on the core os efforts and let the distributions take care of the app bits of the OS. Not totally unlike how linux focuses on the kernel only, and the apps that make up an os as we see it (browser, file manager, etc) are handled by others focused on building those bits (ie KDE, gnome, etc).

    • @yaaaaayPancakesOP
      11 year ago

      Interesting. It doesn’t seem like that works for me.

      I’ve been getting the universal apk from apk mirror since using revanced. If I use the non root method of install (after selecting the apk from storage) it just exits. But if I install the universal apk first, then use the root method to install after patching the installed apk, it works.

      I probably just don’t understand something correctly.

      • @raldone01
        3 months ago

        Maybe root vs nonroot microg mismatch?

        • @yaaaaayPancakesOP
          11 year ago

          I don’t use microg. I still have play services installed.

          It feels like I have the best success downloading the universal apks from apk mirror, installing them, patching the installed apk, and installing the patched apk as root. And when I upgrade to the next version, uninstalling the app first, and repeating the above steps with the new version.

          • @raldone01
            3 months ago

            Yeah but as far as I know YouTube revanced uses microg regardless of you having the gapps.