It grows on decaying pine wood

  • Jo Miran
    48 months ago

    Weird. I was literally about to post something here for the first time because I had two of these grow in my yard and I have no idea what they are.

    • @PurpleSheepleOP
      8 months ago

      Nice! Are they growing on dead pine wood as well? I think they are called yellow stagshorn in English (kleverig koraalzwammetje in Dutch, which literally translates to sticky coral fungus).

      But there is another fungus that has the same color but is less forked. That is the Calocera cornea. Although I’m not sure, I think it’s called the small staghorn in English. (This knowledge is the result if some googling, so I might be wrong.) So it can be that one in your garden as well, some googling might give you some clarity :)

      • Jo Miran
        28 months ago

        Looking at photos, it could have been Calocera Cornea. It grew off of the chunky mulch, which I think is pine.

  • @[email protected]
    28 months ago

    Looks a lot like Calocera viscosa to me. I’ve seen a bunch of these and they’re always one if my favorite mushrooms to photograph.

    • @PurpleSheepleOP
      28 months ago

      I loved to photograph these too. I like the vibrant orange and the contrast of it against the green background.