Dear Daughter,

Your mother and I had so many problems with the neighbors downstairs. This last incident was unfortunate because we had to leave our residence due to an altercation with them. I was sleeping and your mom started to cry which woke me. I asked her what was going on and she said the people downstairs are at it again. I got very angry and went downstairs to talk to these people. I banged on the door and three very tall men came out and grabbed your mother and started punching me in the face. I managed to push them away and grabbed your mom and went upstairs to call the police. The police came and they told me that since I went down to talk with them I could be responsible and the police would have to arrest all of us. Let me tell you something. This was the officers way of not having to fill out paperwork. He knows that if he arrests someone he will have to type up all the paperwork and it will make his night very difficult. He coerced us into not making a complaint. However, we went in days later to file a complaint against them. We also got an attorney to help us get the justice we deserve.

We moved to an apartment. Right now, Daddy is not feeling happy. I’m very sad and disappointed in everything. I’m a little resentful towards your mom because she promised me that it would be quiet. All those renovations we did just to leave the place. It’s making me very sad and as grandma would call it I am “down in the dumps”.

Here is the problem. Your mom is out and about again looking at new properties in the worst housing crisis this country has ever faced. People are abandoning their homes and the loans they promised to pay. These homes cannot easily be purchased and I can see the frustration in your mothers eyes when she comes home crying. I feel sad for her but I feel sad inside because of this mess we are in.

Your mother is very persistent and will not listen to me. I love your mom so much, so, I had to compromise. It feels like it’s a forced compromise though. I told her that I only want to live in South Orange County and she agreed to it so I’m letting her go ahead to find a new home for us, but this time not an apartment. Remember what I told you about compromise and relationships. It’s critical to keep the relationship healthy. She also needs to give me more of my space. I’m asking her to compromise on that but she is just not listening.

Your Dad