Didn’t really say much about it, other than them visually combining their two 1H weapons into a 2H one temporarily for a self-buff.

They’re an original class though. Also Yoshi P looks fab with his cosplay outfit. 😅

  • @StraySojourner
    51 year ago

    Not gonna lie, this is super boring to me. It’s literally ninja without ninjutsu riffing on RDMs sword style. Also, why does this seem more like Gridania job? Idk, it’s just aggressively boring to me.

  • @Dagnet
    51 year ago

    Was hoping they would at least have some poison dmg but it’s really just some guy with 2 swords? I love dual wielding jobs but this is kinda meh

    • Carighan MaconarOP
      31 year ago

      Yeah it’s quite disappointing. They clearly thought the visuals alone would sell it, but it just looks like dollar-store japanese sith lord mode. :'(

  • EtherealMoon
    41 year ago

    Not at all what I was expecting. Mildly disappointed because of how cool reaper was in comparison. I also don’t really get the name… Vipers got fangs that… don’t go together… I didn’t watch the keynote yet, maybe it was explained in that.