Systems refer to the inner workings of the app. While developing the app, a lot of high level architecture decisions were made in order to make the app more scaleable in the future and to facilitate richer features in the future. These decisions generally aren’t super visible to an end user.

The purpose of this update is to surface more settings/data kept by the app in hope that some users will find it helpful. It also increases transparency and just gives users more control of the app overall which is generally a good thing.

Changes so far:

  • The app manages actions taken by the user so actions can automatically be retried and errors can be tracked. Add a screen to expose all of this information to the user. This screen can be found in Settings > User Actions.
  • Fix a bug where changing comment sort order setting would change the post sort order or vise versa.
  • Added new themes. Thank you to @[email protected].
  • Add additional settings for hidding posts. Added a count for the number of hidden posts and the ability to see which posts are hidden and a toggle to enable/disable hidding posts.
  • Aielman15
    37 months ago

    Again, thank you for working still on this app. I really appreciate the time that went, and is still going, into it.

    I’d like to ask if two features, which I asked about some months ago, are still planned or have been scrapped. The first one is sorting for my comments history, which is currently random as far as I can see. The second one is having my username highlighted in the comments section of a post, similar to how OP’s name is highlighted as well.

    • idunnololzOPM
      37 months ago

      I added the profile comment sort order to the roadmap. Both are still planned, unfortunately I can’t give an exact timeline but it will be added eventually.