For me, its Ubuntu, despite the moral tendencies of its facilitators.

  • Chris L
    41 year ago

    I used Ubuntu for years, but just recently installed Debian with Gnome. Definitely not as beginner friendly as Ubuntu, but I’m happy with it so far.

  • @CamilleMellom
    31 year ago

    I love fedora because it just works. Everytime I use something I always end up reverting because it’s just so much sturdier than other sister for me. I want to love Ubuntu, I really do! But for me I always find cracks where I break apt or I need multiple version of pythons… and while I can fix and do those things on Ubuntu, they just work on fedora: multiple python versions, dnf history undo…

    • @wazoobonkerbrain
      11 year ago

      Is Fedora still going? I stopped using it many years ago because it seemed like it had become just a testing ground for Red Hat and not really intended as a usable system in its own right.

  • Anime Lover
    21 year ago

    What is wrong with this Ubuntu spelling on this laptop logo?

  • @heliumlake
    21 year ago

    Fedora’s implementation of Gnome is near perfect. I also think Tumbleweed ships with Gnome integrated very well. Used both for some time, but I’m trying out Gentoo as a learning experience at the moment and Gnome seems to perform much better since you can compile it a bit leaner. However the default apps in the meta package have me trying the minimal Gnome on my laptop and adding exactly what I need.

  • Shertson
    21 year ago

    That would be Fedora.

  • Greenman
    21 year ago

    Fedora because in my experience Flatpaks work better than Snap packages for desktop applications. I’ve heard Snap packages are great for servers, but I’ve never tested them out in a server environment.

  • @Buzz39
    21 year ago

    I have used Pop_OS! for years now, although it probably really isn’t considered a true gnome distro anymore as they are developing there own desktop called Cosmic. It is super stable an more pleasing to the eye than most other distro’s imoa. I have a virtual machine running Fedora, this is also really nice and is my backup if Pop goes weird on me.

  • @Pixlbabble
    11 year ago

    I have landed on Pop_OS! atm

  • @marswarrior
    1 year ago

    Fedora because most devs provide an rpm file to conveniently install, and fedora is very stable even though the package versions are newer than ubuntu, which is also another reason I like fedora.
    But I don’t use Gnome anymore because I moved to tiling WMs on Arch.