Dear Daughter,

It’s been twice the amount of time that your mom promised it would take to perform renovations to the new home. The workers that you grandfather hired to perform the renovations quit, because your mom was being difficult to them. In all honesty, I don’t blame them. She didn’t treat them very well while they were doing their job. I hope she doesn’t treat people at her job this way. I’m absolutely exhausted. Grandpa was right. The renovations are killing us. The house is an absolute dust bowl and we’re constantly running here or there to get things done. I find my self easily losing patience with your mom because she refuses to listen to anything I have to say or suggest. I’m starting to feel like a prop in the movie that is her life and I’m just here to play a small part in it. We seem to be arguing a lot lately.

The good news is that you are on the way. I am so excited about it, but I’m also very nervous because of the difficult state of things right now. Your mom and I have been taking all the courses available to us to prepare for your arrival. I’ve been going to all her checkup appointments to give her all the support I can offer, because I love her. I’m hoping that you bring in so much love, that me and your mom can move past the problems that we’ve faced for the last two years.

Well, I no longer have anytime for me or anyone else for that matter. I’ve accepted that. Gosh I miss my family, my brother, my sister, my mom. It feels like I haven’t seen them in a really long time. We certainly see your mom’s family a lot which is good, but your mom seems more and more resistant to be a part of my family. It’s important to me that she does. I’ve been reminding her, but I don’t think she really cares right now. Perhaps it’s the renovations. I’m hoping, once they are over we can get back to normal.

Oh did I mention that we had two little tiny Chinchillas? We’ve had them for a while. They are fluffy little guys. They run around the house and they like taking dust baths to clean themselves. Your mom searched high and low for these critters. I really love them and so does your mom. They relieve some of the stress we have. I’m so excited that you’re on the way. We’re preparing a nice big room just for you. We’ve purchased a crib and toys for you. You’re going to be so happy.

Your Dad