• @irreticentOPM
    211 months ago

    Remember, this is the Donny Youngblood that said it’s better to kill a suspect than to injure them because it’s cheaper. Dead people don’t sue for damages.

    From the OP article:

    “I would be remiss if I didn’t tell you George Floyd did not die from a knee in the neck. George Floyd died from a drug overdose that he had done prior to when the police stopped him. He’d swallowed narcotics; they took him to the hospital and pumped his stomach. And this time, they held him on the ground for nine minutes, which was totally inappropriate and the drugs had an opportunity … that’s what killed him.”

    The sheriff was critical of President Joe Biden who three days earlier issued a statement about Floyd on what would have been his 50th birthday. (According to many news reports, Floyd’s death on May 25, 2020 sparked civil rights protests and the officer who put his knee on the man’s neck was found guilty on all three murder and manslaughter charges on April 20, 2021. The coroner’s report stated his death was a homicide due to “cardiopulmonary arrest” from “law enforcement subdual, restraint and neck compression.”)

    He then goes on to say that he will disregard the law by not enforcing it:

    “I can’t order my staff not to follow the law, but they know how I think,” the sheriff said. “If you do something incredibly stupid, that will all be used against you. But we’re not going to churches, we’re not going to football games, we’re not going to large gatherings … to sensitive areas, to see if someone is carrying with their CCW. We’re just not. It’s ridiculous.”

    They know how I think…