This is a story about what happened after WWII to one of the people involved with the 1944 Sedition trial that Rachel Maddow discusses in her new book Prequel. Robert Edward Edmondson was one of the nation’s most virulently antisemitic propagandists in the 1930s and 40s. After the sedition case against him and his fellow defendants was dropped, he moved to Bend, Oregon (population ~12,000 at the time) to live out the rest of his life. He became a fairly well-known local figure for his anti-fluoridation activism. His efforts helped scuttle plans to fluoridate the water in Bend and other municipalities across the state.

  • @Deftdrummer
    211 months ago

    Rachel Maddow, a bastion of social truths and wisdom. And what the fuck is this title supposed to mean?