I do things right," Trump told Fox News. “I’m a legitimate person.”

  • @ohmyiv
    562 years ago

    Yeah, because losing lawsuits, two impeachments, and the current indictments really indicate he doesn’t do anything wrong. Bigly legitimate.

  • @Hypersapien
    342 years ago

    Like I’m going to trust Donald Trump to have any understanding of right and wrong.

    He believes that the things he does are always right solely by virtue of him being the one doing them, even if they would be wrong if someone else did them.

    • @arensb
      92 years ago

      He believes that the things he does are always right

      I’m not sure he believes that. Although it’s clear that he says he believes them, and it’s probably true that he believes he can get away with anything that he’s not physically restrained from doing.

      • @axtualdave
        72 years ago

        It’s never okay to seriously diagnose someone over the internet, or by the way the behave in front of a camera. That said, if you do that, and take Trump’s behavior at face value, the man is a classic narcissist, and almost certainly suffering from dementia and sundowning earlier and earlier in the day.

        I legitimately wonder if that will be a defense at his inevitable trials.

  • @SheeEttin
    292 years ago

    Technically he’s correct he is a legitimate person, compared to Real Human Being T’ed Cruz.

    But he’s still broken a bunch of laws.

    • @gornar
      82 years ago

      He is one being and not several

      • @Cruxifux
        62 years ago

        I’m unconvinced that MAGA people aren’t a hive mind at this point.

  • Ragnell
    172 years ago

    “I’m a legitimate person.” WHY would you need to specify that?

  • @Coach
    172 years ago

    Captain petulant-man-baby-who-has-never-been-told-no seems confused.

  • @utopianfiat
    162 years ago

    Could have been titled “Trump made a long, wet fart sound” and it would have had exactly as much value.

  • Flying Squid
    132 years ago

    Do I even want to know who he thinks is an illegitimate person?

    • @Xaphanos
      182 years ago

      Black. Brown. Poor.

      You. Me.

        • @Chalky_Pockets
          52 years ago

          No that’s not it. He hates his worshippers. One could almost argue they are his primary victims, if it weren’t for the fact that the rest of us are their collective primary victims.

  • @corroded
    122 years ago

    It’s easy to be unconcerned about doing something wrong when you’re too narcissistic to believe you can make a mistake and too much of an idiot to understand why the laws exist in the first place.

  • @eramseth
    122 years ago

    So, in case you didn’t know, this is literally like textbook fascist argument.

    Rather than people being good or bad based on their actions, you’re good or bad based on who you are.

    This is why during the “grab 'em by the pussy” stuff Trump was painted as a good guy who did a few bad things, like saying some off-color stuff on tape.

    This is also why you’ll hear certain people say something like “That Bill Cosby, what a shame. Sure thought he was one of the good ones…”

    …so you can come to your own conclusions about what type of person you have to be to be considered good or bad in the fascist world view…

    …or actually I’ll just say it. If you’re a white Christian male you’re predetermined to be good in the fascist world view. Everyone else is predetermined to be bad… or perhaps has to earn being good until even the slightest of mis-steps proves they were exactly who the fascists thought they were… (not that what Bill Cosby did was a slight mis-step, mind you).

    Same reason laws are enforced more harshly on minorities.

  • ArugulaZ
    112 years ago

    Yeah, the whole “I am an infallible god” schtick is getting pret-ty old at this point. As are you. I’d sooner let one of your kill-billy creeps cut my throat than to worship your dumb, dumpy, decrepit ass.

  • @Tired8281
    112 years ago

    So, he doesn’t do things wrong? So, he intended to keep all those documents?