Today I’m reading.

05/18/09 - "John: Examine wheel on the Cruxtruder.” (/homestuck/172) to 05/19/09 - “TT: Deploy Pre-punched Card.” (/homestuck/181)”

Select this thingy to read my commentary

John is again Phernalia with reckless abandon. While tentacleTherapist [TT] is moving the bathtub to the driveway for some reason. Her plan’s interrupted by a lost network connection. The tub falls onto the second floor hallway. Given she had dragged that thing right over John’s head it’s pretty lucky it didn’t fall on him.

TT explains she’s been having WiFi issues due to a storm. TT’s mother is on a bit of a bender and she doesn’t want to encounter her. She has a strained relationship with her mother as a result of the drinking. John compares his own situation to TT’s. She responds with much sarcastic agreement. Sarcasm he deserves really.

Despite the bad wifi it seems TT is still able to do things. John makes a sad attempt to open the Cruxtruder using a sledge hammer. That seems like a really bad idea given he has no idea what it is or how it works. Despite this TT seems to be onboard and helps him swing the hammer. This… works!?

A weird flashing spirographic… thing comes out of the machine. The machine starts a countdown of 4:13 (of course). TT has no idea what this actually means. She was checking Gamefaqs but wasn’t able to see anything beyond this point. The entries actually exist! Which of you nerds made that happen?

What TT does know is that John is going to need some “Cruxite” and a punch card. The Cruxite is a blue cylinder which was in the Cruxtruder. The punch card is something TT is able to spawn. They seem to be ignoring the flashy orb floating around seemingly of its own accord. But they didn’t ignore the countdown and are very concerned by it. It’s a little too flashy and hurts my head.

I think stuff is about to get very crazy very fast, so hold on tight and keep riding the pumpkin tide.

  • ComicalMayhem
    1 year ago

    Wait those game FAQ entries actually exist?? Wow I’m shook