The proverb in the title is a berry. In my digestion of it I have learned two deep simplicities.

  1. A proverb is not something to explain to the contemplative mind. Digestion is individual.
  2. To recognize this proverb as a proverb is to glimpse the subsurface of proverbial depth.

Meanings go deep.
The depths can be searched.
Perhaps there is a bottom.
It would be something foundational.

Here I have brought you a single berry on a big white plate and I have cut it into pieces.

Flowers are beautiful.

  • @syncretik
    2 years ago

    “A Saying is a Flower, a Proverb is a Berry”

    Originally posted by u/[deleted] on 2021-07-04 23:37:32 (odkm8g).

  • @syncretikOPM
    12 years ago

    Beauty lives in the eye of the fool who seeks it.

    1. Seeking something differentiates it from your present experience and puts it “over there.”
    2. Contentment leads to stagnation.

    Beauty that sees its self fools no one.

    Originally commented by u/Scew on 2021-07-08 01:34:42 (h4d3yeh)

    • @syncretikOPM
      12 years ago
      • Beauty is of that which is coherent.
      • Seek that which is searched. Search that which is sought. That’s two out of four out of a probable six. (idk, haven’t thought about it yet but it’s a fun pattern)
      • Contentment is the beginning of authentic expression. Discontent is the beginning of self-distortion.
      • is this indigestion, hahaha

      Originally commented by u/[deleted] on 2021-07-08 08:30:40 (h4ep1hm)

      • @syncretikOPM
        12 years ago
        • Discord is of that which is neglected.
        • Discover the veiled. Obscure the revelation.
        • Grievance is the end of feigned tolerance. Delight is the end of self-indulgence.
        • is the wine too bitter?

        Originally commented by u/Scew on 2021-07-09 02:02:35 (h4hiyoj)

        • @syncretikOPM
          12 years ago
          • I appreciate the angle. Discord sure is a funny word these days what with electronic abstract environments. Ah, anyway. As it happens Discord the chat software is definitely something I have been neglecting there’s just some people I don’t want to talk to right now.
          • I cannot add or take away anything from the second statement to make it any more or less profound. I would probably do a Michael Scott face perhaps, because it hits the spot, the painful spot. Them residues…
          • Grievance…? Can you tell me more? I am unfamiliar with this word, though I have feigned tolerance so I know a bit about that stuff.
          • If delight is the end of self-indulgence, then may all indulge to delight’s content! (smirky face)
          • a bit sweet, actually

          Originally commented by u/[deleted] on 2021-07-09 03:50:37 (h4hxx0z)

  • @syncretikOPM
    12 years ago

    And then the guy would say something like “but if you want to make berry jam, you gather together the berries and process them, cleaning them and splitting them apart, cooking them with sweet sugars and working intimately with the creation. Only then it can be spread on fresh baked bread or eaten with a spoon.”

    And the other guy would say “flowers are used in cooking all the time, and in teas and seasonings and various therapeutic aromatics”.

    Originally commented by u/[deleted] on 2021-07-13 17:17:53 (h50h87u)