Going on a trip - what to bring?
This is not my entire collection of flashlights, just the ones that made the short list for my upcoming trip to Colorado and Arizona, which will involve some time outdoors.
Four seems like a reasonable number.
#flashlight #flashlights #edc #EveryDayCarry #travel @[email protected] @[email protected]
M150, SC64, L16, Wizzard
Four?! You know you want to bring them all
@Adair21 Don’t tempt me. I have a habit of doing that sort of thing and only using a few.
I don’t recognize most of those lights but they seem similar enough that I don’t see much point to bringing four. For a 4-light trip I’d bring:
- Headlamp of some kind, maybe one of the rightangles (DW4?) shown there
- SP10 Pro from the pic as a handy pocket/loaner light or backup with its dual fuel capability.
- Small LEP as an alternative to a big thrower, for outdoor distance spotting
- Sofirn C01R or similar, low powered 660nm red
Maybe the above uses too many different battery types and could be refactored a little.
@solrize Definitely one of the right-angles. I’m leaning DW4, though the Wizard also has a lot of merit.
I don’t have, nor do I particularly want any LEPs or red lights. I’m probably bringing something with a bit of throw, likely the L16.
Interesting, I’ve never used a LEP so don’t really know what they are like. I do like having a red light, though that’s just me. Do you have a headband for the DW4? Do you like wearing it? I haven’t been tempted to buy a DW4 so far, because it is pretty heavy for a headlamp IMHO. I’m unfamiliar with the Wizard. I will always choose a reprogrammable Anduril light in favor of a closed source light of a similar niche.
In Arizona I’ve heard a UV light can be interesting if you want to look at scorpions. Wear eye protection.
@solrize I have several headbands for the DW4, including the one that optionally ships with it. I’ll use one from Skilhunt for any angle light.
The DW4 is 157g with battery, and the Wizard is 125. The Wizard is mostly better at being a headlamp, but the DW4 has better tint and efficiency.
For headlamps I either go with the DW4 for maximum versatility or a Zebralight for minimum size and weight. The DW4 is my sentimental favorite.
SP10 pro, DM11, L16, and the Wizard.
You’re braver than I am, TSA makes me nervous. But 4 should be good for a trip with some time outdoors.
@MashedPotatoJeff I’ve had airport security in various countries look at flashlights with curiosity, but never had a problem. Security in Italy wanted me to take the batteries out of a 4x18650 light I had in my carry-on.
Thanks, that’s reassuring. It’s that clause in the TSA guidelines that states the agents are allowed to make the final determination regardless of the written regulations that gets me. But I don’t suppose anyone worries too much about flashlights or batteries these days.
Federation test. Please ignore.
@Zak success!
I very nearly misread the title of this community.
EC300 (or DM11 if walking at night)