WASHINGTON, D.C. — Yesterday, a state appeals court in Missouri unanimously ruled against titles for six reproductive rights ballot proposals written by Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft ®, determining they were “replete with politically partisan language.”

The setback was just the latest of many for Missouri Republicans, who have launched an effort to thwart and distort the proposals.

The handful of proposals were submitted by a doctor in March, and would create a state constitutional right to reproductive freedom, including the right to an abortion, if approved by voters in November 2024. In July, ballot titles for the proposals, written by Ashcroft, were certified by the trial court. Ballot titles consist of a summary statement prepared by the secretary of state and a fiscal note summary prepared by the state auditor.

In late September, a trial court judge ruled that the portions of the summary statements were “argumentative or do not fairly describe the purpose or probable effect of the initiatives.”