Really well written article.
It emphasizes the McCarthy era Black listing of people who you disagree with is genuinely evil.
A lot of the narrative, and the persecution, comes from the general idea You’re with us, or you’re against us! Which is rhetorical tool that bullies use. You either have to agree with me or fight me. That’s a bully tactic
I’m glad the article was written.
Whew lad the enlightened centrist strikes again
I don’t think you actually read the article, the person is not a centrist. The person is talking about the chilling effects of weaponizing sides. If we can’t have discussions, how can we arrive at an optimal outcome?
I did read the article, it’s not good. This guy whines about cancel culture, cites a bunch of instances where reactionaries actually harm people, hand waves “well the progressives control Hollywood and have the upper hand in the cancel culture war” which is objectively not true and then claims we should be careful about weaponizing positions economically.
He argues we should meet in the marketplace of ideas and debate things. And argues that homophobes and racists should not be fired. Go read that article, it’s a doozy.
The problem with this article is that we have had these discussions. Just because this guy hasn’t participated and hasn’t learned about something doesn’t mean both sides have a point worth discussing.
There are very good reasons to fire racists and homophobes. In fact, there are laws about discrimination in the workplace that takes the decision out of your hands.
Basic Binary Boy strikes again. Seeing and fussing over just two options, both of which are of course stupid and unideal.
But Basic Binary Boy has a narrow scope, hates thinking, and likes being presented with two options to choose and call it a day. Left or right; for or against; Palestine or Israel; Russia or Ukraine; Android or Apple; Trump or Biden; it is impossible that someone likes or dislikes all of these things on various positions.
Pick one. Choose. Do it now. You have to, even if you disagree. Done? Good. That is your camp now and you live there. You throw sticks anythung not in your camp but especially the other camp on the other side of that fence. Ignore the other fences surrounding you, pretend they don’t exist
That is a weird rant lol
Basic Binary Boy pissed in that guy’s cheerios