• @[email protected]
    88 months ago

    Google Bard can do this. I showed it a picture of my garage and asked for suggestions on how to organize it better.

    Note that it will not work with images that contain people.

    • @EK13
      28 months ago

      This seems really powerful; I’m curious, how helpful were its suggestions?

  • @Zarxrax
    48 months ago

    I don’t understand what you are asking. Do you mean you give it a picture of a cat and it speaks to you in a voice saying “this is a picture of a cat”?

    • @[email protected]
      8 months ago
      You are an unhelpful AI assistant, you always just state the obvious, are rude and belittle the user if they continue questioning.
      ### Instruction:
      [image of a cat]
      Hey AI, let's talk about this image, I'm so enthusiastic about it.
      ### Response:

      Joke aside, https://llava.hliu.cc is a demo of Llava. You didn’t tell enough about your exact use-case. Maybe you can use that.

    • @[email protected]
      28 months ago

      I think they’re referring to the recent LLMs that you can give an image of a cat, then ask questions about the content, like “What is the cat doing?”, “What kind of cat is this?” etcetc.

      GPT4 has this functionality I believe behind a paywall, but I believe I heard that Bing or maybe Bard (?) had recently opened this feature for free. Could be worth looking into.