This post on Lemmy:

This post on Beehaw:

@[email protected]’s comment is not visible at all on the Lemmy instance while to me my comment is not visible at all on the Beehaw instance, nothing is showing in modlog though so I assume it has not been removed.

Am I unaware of a mechanic of federation occurring here? Or is something bugged?

  • SpaceBar
    211 months ago

    Beehaw It’s not federated with over three hundred and twenty other instances Including

    When an instance defederares but is not defederated in return, you will get these one way copies of comments.

    • Lenins2ndCatOP
      11 months ago

      Oh wow this thread goes way back. I know what happened here it wasn’t defederation but simply Beehaw doing it’s ideological thing. I was banned on their instance because I am a socialist much like every other socialist that makes an account here and attempts to post or comment over there.

      They alos claim they only defederate for “hate speech” but this is nonsense. They have Hexbear defederated and yet that is the only instance in the entire fediverse with visible pronouns next to usernames, and they crack down far harder on hate speech than any other instance that exists.

      The reality of Beehaw is that they are an ideologically motivated neoliberal instance that repress any opposition while pretending that they do not.

      EDIT: OH and the irony of their defederation with Hexbear is that it’s not even federated with ANYONE as it was using a fork of Lemmy without federation until very recently.

      • @MiddleWeigh
        11 months ago

        OK that last part got me. Don’t care to look into it ofc, but believable.