A wonderful downtown pedestrian area has been ruined because a few people didn’t like the noise.

  • The Snark Urge
    478 months ago

    The noise?

    I live near a main road and no pedestrian open spaces and the noise is damn near unbearable.

  • @Aufschieber
    318 months ago

    “It is hard to get around”. I guess it is a lack of public Transport infrastructure…

  • rhythmisaprancer
    137 months ago

    Sounds like an opportunity for locals to make some noise! Those businesses need to present data probably but it seems like an easy win to me. Maybe do something else for the traffic challenge.

  • @[email protected]
    128 months ago

    Hey my parents live in this town. I didn’t know they still didn’t allow cars. Well I guess not anymore which is a bummer.

  • @[email protected]
    107 months ago

    I live in a neighboring community and oh my god the whining on the nextdoor app about “muh property values, won’t anybody think of the cars!!!” and making excuses about it hurting businesses that have only seen more business with the road closures was unreal.

    Not to mention all the perfectly able people too lazy to walk a block from parking acting like it’s a virtue and the world should cater to cars because some people have mobility issues… issues that probably resulted in the first place from there being so few reasons to walk around here. Not to throw strays at the disabled but I doubt these people would ever support any alternative that would let those with mobility issues get around town without a car.

  • @tpihkal
    38 months ago

    It sounds like the city’s seasonal approach is reasonable. Winter in Michigan is no joke and you pretty much need a car to get around.

    • @IampossiblyatworkOP
      97 months ago

      Downtown Northville in the winter was the bomb. Cozy up by a fireplace. Eat in a private cabin. Walk around with a warm beverage.

      The real kicker is the lady in the interview. They want to kill the whole thing… Which world be awful. I love having a safe area to walk, hang and eat with my family and dogs. That’s now in jeopardy.