What we don’t know are stats about the bike, such as overall battery size (between the two batteries), gearing, and overall power and torque available with the bike. We’ve reached out to Angell Mobility for further details.
Oh… So just everything that matters when buying an ebike okay
Damn, full price is going to be 3490 Euro. I’m sure they’ll be nice, though.
For that much they damn well better be. Best to remain skeptical though.
Has something changed in the past year or years where automakers are broadening their products? I don’t mean like Yamaha and Honda – who already produce a temendously broad line of products, from side-by-sides to musical equipment – but rather, is there some reason a number of other automakers are now getting into the MTB, ebike, and skyscraper (!) business?
Is this supposed to capitalize on their brand recognition in segments where brands are only just being established? Or maybe it’s a struggle to be relevant as the public tide turns against automobiles? Is it supposed to project a unified, electrified fleet? I genuinely don’t understand if this is all coincidence or if the meta has changed and I just failed to notice.
I’m not sure what different markets in was in, but there was a DeLorean bike about ten years ago that was pretty silly imo.
I’m pretty sure all auto manufacturers have been in multiple businesses.
Aren’t all the US ones in defense contracting? (Though I feel like everyone in the US is in on defense contracting)
Hey, another company that wants to make bike shaped things, rather than a functional bike.
Where do you put a front or rear rack on that thing? Basket? Or water bottles? Or better fenders? Do those unconventional handlebars even have circular tubing to mount a bike computer?
Who is their target market?
People with lots of money?
But it’s not an expensive e-bike @ approx. $3400.
Someone with money to burn won’t buy this. And someone looking for an ebike won’t want a faux urban ebike with little to no utility factor.
Seems like a strange product. Where does it fit in the ever growing market of ebikes?
Cool but def agree that more details are needed.
Gee, thx BMW for creating bikes that aren’t street legal in Germany 🤡
(Turn signals aren’t legal here, and looking at those pictures I actually agree… who needs signals you can only see from the side?!)