The IDF Arabic spokesperson posted images of the civilians evacuating and announced an additional humanitarian corridor, supplementing the one recently established, which will be open for Gazans wishing to relocate southward until 2pm local time.

“Use this opportunity to go south to the other side of Wadi Gaza,” he said, referring to the body of water that delineates the southern and northern parts of the Palestinian territory. “Many are doing so at this time. If you care for yourselves and your loved ones, move south according to our instructions. You can be sure Hamas leaders have already taken care of their own needs.”

  • Iceblade
    2411 months ago

    Hopefully they will be safer there. As I understand, the majority of combat is taking place in northern Gaza.

      • @DoomBot5
        511 months ago

        Yes, troops on the ground combat against terrorists with guns, RPGs, IEDs, and hostages.

        • @[email protected]
          1111 months ago

          “Combat” is not the main reason for the 10,000+ deaths in Gaza. It stretches credulity to call bombing a refugee camp full of children “combat”.

            • @[email protected]
              411 months ago

              Are you justifying killing children because “some of them” might be combatants? Absolutely fuck that. The IDF said that they bombed the refugee camp to target a single Hamas commander. That’s not inevitable collateral damage, that’s sending a message that no where is safe. And I take it you wouldn’t be that sympathetic to the argument that no Israeli is a civilian because they all serve in the military.

              Look, I understand that war is going to have gray areas. But that doesn’t mean anything goes. At a certain point we need the moral courage to recognize when things cross a line. Hamas absolutely crossed a line and they should be condemned. But so has Israel.

              • @steventhedevOP
                511 months ago

                The refugee camp you’re referring to is Jabiliya Camp, established in 1948. It is high density multi-unit residential.

                According to the IDF, the ground forces who were hunting down that single commander came under small arms and RPG fire from the building and called in air support. The bomb that was dropped on the building killed everyone inside, but apparently either dropped directly into the tunnels underneath, or caused secondary explosions from munitions being stored in those tunnels. The result was that seven other buildings not adjacent to the building that was bombed collapsed as well. The ground forces operating there confirmed their target was dead and left the camp. This is why Israel asked all civilians to evacuate Gaza City a month ago - they can’t control which buildings collapse when the tunnels blow up.

                Mind you, the US has been conducting drone flights over Gaza, watching all of these incidents. The fact the US didn’t immediately condemn Israel for bombing the building should give you a hint that they saw what happened and think it was justified.

                • @[email protected]
                  11 months ago

                  I am glad you are diverging from the disgusting argument that random Palestinian children are valid military targets.

                  But the US is literally one of the countries least critical of Israel. It’s like saying “Well the fact that Fox News hasn’t condemned Trump is pretty telling.” No it’s not. That attack has drawn international condemnation. Even the US agrees that the way that the war is being waged leads to a needlessly dire humanitarian crisis. People are drinking salt water and subsisting on a starvation diet.

                  I am not one of those people who thinks this is some easy choice for Israel. But I read comments like yours and wonder if there is literally anything the IDF and Likud can do, no matter how extreme, that you won’t defend?

          • @Dubito_Cogito
            -711 months ago

            PS. Refugee camp you are talking about is a city and also, why don’t israel just send their Rainbow six siege COD players to infiltrate and kill only the terrorists? Duh, it’s ggez

  • @[email protected]
    1911 months ago

    What? A news site that shows you actual footage instead of talking heads?!

    Say it ain’t so!

  • @assassin_aragorn
    511 months ago

    I’m still waiting for the other shoe to drop. But hey, if this is 100% legitimate, that’s fucking awesome.

  • @Doorbook
    -311 months ago

    Displacing whatever left of a million person over a few days to smaller area with no rights to go back.

    Casual act of genocide and war crimes, nothing to see here, move along, and gave us your tax money because we are protecting you from these Muslims who want to kill you because you are supporting us…

  • qevlarr
    -411 months ago

    IDF spokesperson says tank secures southbound evacuees from Hamas

    It’s not Hamas they’re afraid of, you liars! Israel has been targeting fleeing civilians, hospitals. Innocent people don’t have food, water, fuel. Israel is engaged in WAR CRIMES

    • @steventhedevOP
      911 months ago

      They were walking right next to a tank that is literally there to protect them from Hamas.

      Take your prejudice elsewhere.

      • @danekrae
        -611 months ago

        I guess all those bombed hospitals made me jaded.

        • @Vqhm
          511 months ago

          You mean the hospital parking lot where the failed Islamic jihad rocket landed?

          • @danekrae
            111 months ago

            No I mean the hospital, that Israel have insisted are a Hamas base since 2014 without any evidence. While physicians like Mads Gilbert, whom works there can’t seem to find Hamas there.

            Hamas is evil, yes. Just like the Israeli government. The world should take their sandbox away from them, since neither can play like decent human beings…

  • @[email protected]
    -1411 months ago

    Wait I thought Israel was genociding 18000 children a day and now they are letting them walk away? Hamas won’t be happy to see their “nation of martyrs” abandoning their posts just like that.

    • @[email protected]
      611 months ago

      Funny watching you people use the same rhetoric the alt-right uses when talking about the number of Jews murdered in the Holocaust.

      • @[email protected]
        11 months ago

        Disgusting comparison. And you probably wonder why you get called an antisemite.

        • @[email protected]
          411 months ago

          Nah. I don’t get called an anti-semite.

          You probably wonder why nobody takes your accusations seriously. Gonna block you now.

        • @Sparlock
          -411 months ago

          If you walk like a duck and quack like a duck… You might just be parroting Nazi rhetoric.

          That is a judgment of your rhetoric not on your race or religion take your victim complex elsewhere and stop using “anti-semite” as a cudgel to try and win arguments. It is fucking gross.

          • @Sparlock
            11 months ago

            Quite a few bigots hittin that downvote button but afraid to justify their actions.

            All I hear is Nazi quacking when you can’t use your words.

    • @5BC2E7
      -311 months ago

      It was per second. /s.

      It’s telling how no one even ask how they can simultaneously claim they are buried under the debris yet they have a fatality count. I have tried to look for stratified counts to see if there was a huge difference in fatalities between men and women. I am sure that those statistics would show what’s actually happening because they could be checked for accuracy and would tell you if they really targeted civilians. But it seems that the people against israel have made their minds and are not trying to understand what is happening.

      • @[email protected]
        11 months ago

        Take a look at this daily brief put out by OCHA (UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs). It’s dated 6 November 2023.

        Their “Data on Casualties” tracker is more detailed in its breakdown, but is slower to update (as noted on that page).

        Edit: So, of 5918 adult fatalities listed, 2550 (43%) were women. It’s not clear to me at first glance if the remaining 57% are men, or if there are some undetermined folks mixed in.

        • @5BC2E7
          211 months ago

          Thanks. That is helpful. Where are you seeing those numbers in the page? When I looked at gaza fatalities in the site you shared it shows 5365 total and 586 are women so about 10%. Even if we are both looking at different sections I can’t reconcile 40% with 10%.

          • @[email protected]
            11 months ago

            It’s from OCHA’s daily brief.

            I did math on this part of the report: Screenshot:

            10,022 reported fatalities 2550 women 4104 children.

            Subtract the children, you get 5918 adult fatalities. (10,022 - 4104=5918)

            Edit: the “Data on Casualties” is, like I mentioned, slower to update. There’s a date filter–the fatalities listed are from earlier conflicts in the region, or in Israel or the West Bank.

            • @steventhedevOP
              11 months ago

              The numbers on the right side don’t add up.

              • Families with multiple fatalities = 1050
              • 444+136+192 = 772 families with 2 or more fatalities
              • 6120 out of 10022 fatalities were from 825 families

              Is there an official definition of “family”? I ask because I’m curious if they count multiple generations living in separate housing units in the same building a single family or if they only consider nuclear families (spouses + immediate children, maybe cohabiting parents or siblings?)

              EDIT: I tracked down the last report where the numbers were close to adding up - it seems they are tracking three things:

              1. the number of families with multiple fatalities (1050 on Nov 6)
              2. the number of fatalities from the chosen 825 families (no clue why those 825 families, or if it’s just the top 825 on the list), seemingly not updated for a few days now
              3. a very coarse bucketing of families by number of fatalities that hasn’t been updated since Oct 26.
      • @TokenBoomer
        911 months ago

        UN counts have largely been consistent with the Gaza Health Ministry’s in the past, with small discrepancies.

        The list is online. You are not looking for the answer.

      • @[email protected]
        11 months ago

        They believe what they want to believe. That’s why they demand the highest scrutiny for everything that Israel says but greedily eat up every number that Hamas puts out. The complete fantasy story about the “destroyed” hospital meant nothing to them.