My son’s 5th birthday is coming up and I would like to gift him a board game. Usually only the two of us play and he likes for example Carcassonne Junior, Brandon the Nrave or Karuba Junior. Any good suggestions for a new game, maybe also something collaborative?

  • @meanmon13
    111 year ago

    My son (same age) really enjoys “My first castle panic” and “HABA Rhino Hero A Heroic Stacking Card Game”. He has a ton of boardgames but likes those two the most.

  • @LoganNineFingers
    91 year ago

    Dragonomino is a kid version of King Domino. I just bought it for my kid based on a review. I haven’t played it yet but it seems like it’s a win

    • @[email protected]
      31 year ago

      I highly recommended Dragomino. Similar gameplay as Kingdomino, but without the building restrictions and the egg collecting introduces enough chance to level the playing field

    • @LiterateSnail
      21 year ago

      We got this for our five year old at Christmas, and she loved it!

      She had us, her little sister, her grandparents, her aunts and uncles, her friends, the neighbors, the nurses when we visited the hospital, and everyone else playing Dragomino with ther every day for months. By now, she routinely beats me at it.

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      To chime in here, we bought Dragomino for similar reasons, found it really boring and went with king domino, which is playable for a 5 year old that has some experience with Board games. Since all info is public the parents can give advice when the child gets stuck or tries to place a tile wrong. Our son did pick it up really fast (ymmv).

  • TheOneCurly
    91 year ago

    I picked up Outfoxed! a few weeks ago to play with a relative, it comes highly recommend as a cooperative who-dun-it.

    I haven’t gotten a chance to play it yet so I can’t speak to the actual gameplay.

  • @LoganNineFingers
    81 year ago

    Hoot Owl Hoot, Race to the Treasure and Cauldron Quest are 3 co-op games I’ve played with my kids since last summer (5 turned 6 and 3 turned 4 year olds)

    • @[email protected]
      41 year ago

      TtR first journey is great because it’s easy to transition to the “full” game after they outgrow it. Catan junior is similar in this. That’s also my main complaint about Stone Age kids, it’s not really the same game.

  • roofuskit
    1 year ago

    My First Stone Age is phenomenal for young kids. The memory element even gives them something they can beat the parents at. We loved it! My kiddo is 11 now and won’t let me get rid of it because of all the good memories.

  • shepherd
    1 year ago

    If you’re open to a dexterity games, I’d highly recommend Animal Upon Animal, Rhino Hero, or Click Clack Lumberjack for that age group. Even left to their own devices, I’ve seen a group of highly concentrated 6 year olds stack animals surprisingly high lmao.

    Considering he’s already into boardgames, King of Tokyo is probably in scope, or will be soon! If not, the mood of Shadows in the Woods (Waldschattenspiel) can be just so good for young kids!

    I’m having some trouble thinking of collaborative kids games, but maybe Dixit? That might be an 8 year olds game tbh, I don’t think most 5 year olds are subtle enough yet lol.

    Good luck!

  • Square Singer
    51 year ago

    My son loves Skyjo. It’s not a board game, but it’s pretty nice. I can’t recommend Skyjo Action though.

    Saboteur is also really great, but you need 3+ people for that.

  • @[email protected]
    51 year ago

    I’ve tried compiling all the suggestions from this thread, with BGG links.

    I have a 4 and 6¾-year-old, but our game collection doesn’t quite fit the audience, and we usually end up playing Star Of Africa with heavily dumbed-down house rules (and it’s already a pretty dumb game to begin with) to keep it interesting for the little one.

    This thread is gold! 😍

    … Sorry I’ll finish this up later on desktop, this is too fiddly on mobile 😅

  • SunburyStudios
    1 year ago

    Donut County. Great little game to read along with. Simple mechanics and flipping ADORABLE.

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    I’ll second Rhino Hero! For collaboration, my kids have enjoyed Outfoxed, Race for the Treasure and Robot Turtles.

    I found that maybe 4-5 was way more about focusing on following rules and heavily house ruling to make a suitable experience so we could play whatever on the shelf looked interesting.

    Once they got just a little bit older Battle Sheep, Hive, Azul, and Camel Up got worn out.

  • Tigbitties
    41 year ago

    Might be a little young but I got my son (at 8yo) the Dungeons and Dragons Adventure Begins Game. You don’t need a DM. We laugh our asses off playing it.

  • Monkeytennis
    41 year ago

    We don’t play many junior versions, I find my boy outgrew them very quickly - though he still likes Catan Junior.

    He likes Mancala, Kingdomino isn’t hard to pick up, and it really helped his maths skills. His favourite is the normal Carcassonne (we don’t play fields, and I give him a 50 point headstart, so it’s still a challenge for me). He loves the Dragon expansion, too.

    We play Rhino Hero and other dexterity games, I ordered one for next Christmas called Menara - off a recommendation here (!) - it looks like a coop dexterity tower building game.

    As for collaborative games, he loves helping me with some solos, Under Falling Skies, Aerion and Nautilion for example - you can tell a story and get them to help throw the dice.

    Not really a game, but story cubes are also a win at bedtime.

  • Froyn
    41 year ago

    Fluxx. Anyone that can read can play Fluxx. Sushi Go and Patchwork would also fit the bill.

    • @yads
      21 year ago

      I feel like fluxx has a bit too much mental load for a 5 yo with how many rules can be in play at any given point. Sushi Go can definitely be a good choice though.