Despite some initial challenges this is going pretty well now! This is about half of the moon behind some of the castle towers, and those empty blobs at the top will eventually be clouds lol

  • Io Sapsai 🌱M
    711 months ago

    Cross stitch WIP of an alpaca

    It’s starting to take shape. You can already see something resembling legs. This week has been hectic and I haven’t had the chance to stitch much. I’ve been working on my backyard birding setup and that also took some of my free time. We also rescued a pigeon. I’ll probably stitch while keeping it company so progress might come faster.

    That needle minder is hell on earth! Really fits the vampire theme.

      • Io Sapsai 🌱M
        511 months ago

        a blurry grainy photo of a pigeon in a cage

        Meet Domino. Disappointing pic but that’s the best my partner could take at twilight with an almost dead phone. I think it really likes my old pullover that I was intending on throwing away. Its wing is bruised/hurt and the leg is broken. Vet said it’s not going to make it in the wild with that leg but it might fly again. He said the best I could do is adopt it. The poor thing probably won’t fly outside without a leash and supervision though.

        As much as I love cats, I hate it when owners let their cats roam outside. They prey on birds for sport, not for food. I know exactly whose cat did it, that’s why I’m salty. It’s not the first time he’s done that. Also I have a cat at home which might make things interesting. So far he’s shown curiosity but not predator behaviour as he does with other birds. Not going to risk it though!

    • @MrJameGumbOP
      411 months ago

      Looking great so far! The hardest part of any project for me so far is just initially getting to the point where I can see it taking shape lol

      I hope your pigeon is doing well!

      I was really glad to find a needle minder I liked, it works so much better than the two old magnets from the junk drawer I was using before lol

      • Io Sapsai 🌱M
        311 months ago

        Funny that you mention the two old magnets. My minder is a DIY from craft store magnets that are probably as good as your old ones. But that murderous cat brings me so much joy I had to make it. It works just barely but totally worth it.

        • @MrJameGumbOP
          111 months ago

          The junk drawer magnets came from a broken knife sharpener, and they were way too strong. They were constantly leaving marks on the fabric and getting stuck to the scissors, and stuck to my bracelet lol

          Your murderous cat one is adorable!

  • @[email protected]M
    11 months ago

    Ok that makes a lot more sense than it did when it was just a couple blobs of blue 😆 It’s coming together fast! And seconding the love for the amazing needle minder.

    I started on my new stitching project for the #DiscworldMAL on Sunday, and tbh this pathetic effort is as far as I’ve got due to the demands of dogsitting a dog who really doesn’t enjoy being away from her usual home.

    In my defense I did have to frog and redo quite a lot of this already due to being a total idiot who can’t count to ten, so it’s more work than it looks like!

    Pattern is Errol the Swamp Dragon from Lyndisfarne

    p.s. thank you for reminding me it’s Wednesday I nearly forgot to post my knitting WIP until seeing this…the horror!

    • @MrJameGumbOP
      411 months ago

      That pattern looks amazing! I’m sure a fussy dog would make things difficult, my cat lives here all the time and she constantly tries to distract me when I’m stitching lol

      I’ve had to frog a few parts of the moon there as I was going along just because it’s one of those things where it won’t work at all if it gets one stitch off

  • @letter_d
    311 months ago

    Totoro stitch

    Got a few more rows in. Just over half done with this color.

    • @MrJameGumbOP
      211 months ago

      Looks great! I’m curious as to how much trouble it will be stitching in the raindrops lol

      • @letter_d
        211 months ago

        One the one hand not too hard at all really. On the other I’m trying to keep the back from being a complete mess so I suspect I’m gonna be doing a lot of individual lines…

  • @frickineh
    311 months ago

    My hands are so tired just looking at the moon. That’s impressive as heck. I haven’t really worked on anything this week. I made a tiny bit of progress on my skeleton hand last weekend but I’ve been so busy and tired with election week and working 1 job plus a little of a second. I really want to start something for Christmas soon, though.

    • @MrJameGumbOP
      211 months ago

      The moon has been very challenging mostly because there are like 4 different colors in there that look almost identical at first and they’re all in pretty random shapes lol I still have to do the other half of it once I finish this section!

      • @frickineh
        211 months ago

        Oh dang, I could tell there are 2 colors, but 4 is so impressive. It really does have great dimension.

        • @MrJameGumbOP
          211 months ago

          It’s definitely one of those things where the more I add to it the more I can see the variations! I think once the whole thing is done it will look really good, since the other half has larger parts that will make it more apparent too

  • @letter_d
    311 months ago

    Great Castlevania vibe and fun needle minder!

    • @MrJameGumbOP
      311 months ago

      Maybe I can find a small Simon Belmont pattern to hang next to it lol

    • @MrJameGumbOP
      211 months ago

      Username checks out lol!

      I found it on Etsy