• @[email protected]
    311 months ago

    Just gonna throw this out here. It was like this in 2008 before the amalgamation of AHS. Has it really improved through the years? I think it’s got worse.

    • @brenticus
      711 months ago

      Most of our healthcare issues tend to be due to lack of money in various ways. Healthcare has gotten worse because the government refuses to compensate healthcare professionals appropriately or invest in infrastructure that will relieve pain points. It’s not really an AHS problem and I’m skeptical that breaking it up is going to do anything useful.

      • @[email protected]
        411 months ago

        Just like amalgamation wasn’t a panacea, breaking it up won’t be either.

        UCP is just creating a take-profit grift for their corporate consultant buddies, while at the same time bemoaning a “broken system” that - reminder - they created.

        Win-Win for the Cons. Completely transparent lunacy for anyone with a functioning rational brain.

    • @[email protected]
      611 months ago

      Got worse because of population growth and chronic PC / UCP underfunding. The slow decline in quality is a perfect front for blaming public services so that these jackals can introduce private healthcare for the monied class, and leave the poors to a continually worse public system.

      All of this wouldn’t be an issue if Albertans were more interested in voting FOR their best interests instead of AGAINST whatever endlessly shifting boogeyman the Cons are currently trotting out.