If you’ve been looking for something new to play, you’re about to have some decisions to make. Here’s a chronological breakdown of new Quest games coming before the end of 2023, starting with five that are already available but shouldn’t be missed!
I’m looking forward to Arizona Sunshine 2 but I’m not seeing a lot of other co-op games.
Dungeons was frankly direly needed, there’s not a huge amount of really great coop games. Echo was my main one, but there’s still a good amount. After the fall, now puzzling places, soon Ancient dungeon, Demeo, township tale.
Oh shit, Ancient Dungeon is getting co-op?? That’ll be so awesome!! Love that game! Demeo is amazing but we’ve already played it to death. Puzzling Places only has multiplayer on quest currently but if/when they add cross platform multiplayer I will buy a lot of DLC. I wish more devs understood that not every game has to be a shooter.
Yeah, I’m really looking forward to it. I stopped playing as soon as I heard as it’s probably going to be a lot of fun.
Quoting their discord announcement:
@everyone The wait is almost over! The Ancient Dungeon Multiplayer Open Beta will release on Nov 24th for Steam and Quest!
This gives us enough time to prepare everything so the launch goes smoothly. More information regarding the beta will come out prior to release.
In order to have a smooth release, we plan on giving a select amount of people access to the beta a week prior to release to test out general stability. If you are interested in participating, please fill out this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1T73LXmjbUbxrVqj9TmWhXzghEgn09WE-qM0S35Vc-FM/
Uboat should be out this year. Rooms is reality just went final and it’s a great co op escape room.
There should be a reminder every now and then of existing games that have gotten a lot better. It’s a bit sad that games get most of their attention for their often unfinished 1.0 version, which usually gets a lot better over time.