She hadn’t let water touch her perm in decades, except at the salon. She loved her possibly immortal cat and watching real estate flipping shows. She wore a ton of makeup, only “Merle Norman” brand. I know you’re busy, but call your grandma today. (Calling someone else’s grandma is ok, too.)

  • Drunemeton
    2 years ago

    I’m sorry for your loss, but just reflect on the life she led…

    She witnessed so many amazing things! Refrigerators being new, then common, then a necessity. The same with televisions, not to mention going from B&W at the movies/on TV, to color everywhere. She was born at a time when ’sliced bread’ wasn’t a thing, but became a big thing.

    She lived through the “golden age” of many periods in American history. She saw women go from belonging to a man, too belonging to themselves. From dresses above the knee, to way above the knee! From automobiles being relatively new, and for the rich, to everyone having one.

    She saw the interstate system being built. She saw those advances take humanity to the moon! Then she witnessed the room sized computers slowly shrink until they fit in our pockets, and the advent of the world wide web that linked them all together.

    So yeah, really sucks that she’s no longer with you and your family! But celebrate her, her life, and the amazing journey it was.


    (To echo what u/verity-kindle said: Take a moment to call your loved ones today, because tomorrow is never guaranteed.)