Hullo hullo, onybidy wi summin tae share?

  • @linzid83
    210 months ago

    Hey hey!! What a lovely start to the weekend! Plans include going a lovely crisp autumnal walk, watching some strictly, bathing the dog, might squeeze a wee ice cream in, work on Sunday! Enjoy xx

    • @OlapOPM
      210 months ago

      sounds grand, fab weather out east too. About tae bake the Christmas cake, sum leek and tattie, an sum jelly. Better get ma apron oan! A walk sounds like a plan the moro too, rookit as ah mentioned - an free!

      • @linzid83
        210 months ago

        The rain came here this afternoon but it was dry enough to get out about lunch! I made lentil soup last week for my lunch. Not my favourite but it was decent! I never know how to make soup!! Christmas cake will be great too!! Lots of fruit in it?? I need to start my christmas shopping!! Then i’ll be rookit too!!

        • @OlapOPM
          210 months ago

          Stayed dry the day, went up Allermuir, braw views aww aboot. Got sum bagpipes oan the wireless, mibbes a wee dram aifter the kids are doon, an the fire oan as it’s nae warm like

          • @linzid83
            210 months ago

            Sounds lovely! No its getting pretty cold!! I’m under my blanket watching beechgrove!!

  • @OlapOPM
    210 months ago

    Keepin it doon this weekend, skint like. Tanks, an sum rugby oan the telly ah reckun

    Readin “The Poor Had No Lawyers” currently an it’s eye openin. Saor Alba indeed (Saor means cheap, nae juist free)

    • @linzid83
      210 months ago

      What type of book is it? Fiction/non fiction?

      • @OlapOPM
        210 months ago

        Non-fiction fer a change. Tryin tae broaden frae my sci-fi usual fare

        • @linzid83
          210 months ago

          Oh interesting! I read so much rubbish!! Mainly fiction!

          • @OlapOPM
            210 months ago

            Nothing wrong with fiction, but nice to try some non-fiction too if you’re a big reader

            • @linzid83
              210 months ago

              I try to read but usually fall asleep!! I have a few work related non fiction books on the go just now but I get bored reading them!!

  • @Francisco
    010 months ago

    No wonder the monster is always submerged.

    • @OlapOPM
      210 months ago


      • @linzid83
        210 months ago

        Maybe they are referring to Nessie!?

        • @OlapOPM
          210 months ago

          or maybe it wasn’t very nice, don’t drink and post! (may have been guilty of this myself many times…)