I tend to at least look at every work email I receive. Likewise for Teams messages. If I see a notification of a new communication, I tend to check it and see if I need to respond. I don’t always respond, but I always look at the message.
In various virtual meetings, I’ve seen other people’s notifications when they share their desktop, and it seems like some people just don’t bother even looking at them.
Am I the weird one? Does everyone just ignore messages they receive at work?
Yes of course I ignore all mails and chats - outside business hours.
While at my desk, I do my best to keep up. I have periods where I focus on some task and won’t let anything disturb me, but otherwise I am obliged stay in touch.
I have two half hours a day blocked for emails - I have work to do and YouTube to watch, you know?
How would I know if I have to respond or do anything if I don’t at least look at it? I hate having a badge that tells me how many unreads I have. Like, GTFO.
Yep, I ignore messages until I feel I want to check them. Notifications for email are off, teams and skype not logged in, signal no notifications for groups.
Everybody knows, when it’s important/urgent, they should call. Everything else can wait at least 24h, as I check email usually about twice a day. (At start and just before finish)