House Republicans are struggling with the same battles over government funding that led to the chaotic unseating of former Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), seemingly cutting any honeymoon short for new Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.). GOP leadership this week yanked two spending bills from the floor amid disputes on spending and other controversial policy items. With a government funding deadline less than a week away, the conference seems hopelessly divided on how to avert a shutdown.

  • @[email protected]
    557 months ago

    They didn’t have the votes so they pulled the bills. Then Johnson called an early recess and jetted off to Paris. 6 days to shutdown.

      • ME5SENGER_24
        237 months ago

        The House has been such a shit show that we should have a snap election and elect everyone fresh.

      • ares35
        117 months ago

        is that rule still in place that allows any single member to call for a motion to vacate the chair?

          • @assassin_aragorn
            27 months ago

            Probably for the best actually. With the beating Republicans took this week, moderates might be receptive to a compromise Democrat speaker. Otherwise, the extremist wing will utterly ruin them.

            • @dynamojoe
              37 months ago

              moderates might be receptive to a compromise Democrat speaker

              I don’t think there’s a single republican who would risk their next election by considering a democratic speaker, not with Trump’s greasy fingerprints all over the primaries. They’ll watch everything stop first. It’s more likely they’ll build a compromise republican that can peel off enough D votes (with significant concessions) but still carry enough Rs to win. To do so, they’d pretty much have to have every necessary legislation planned out for the next few months in order to get the votes and they have to build this coalition in secret or it’s doomed.

              • @assassin_aragorn
                27 months ago

                They’re threading a very fine needle. They sank a bill last week that had a lot of abortion restrictions. The moderates are basically stuck between pissing off their base and losing a primary, or pissing off the general electorate and losing the general. They’re screwed either way.

              • @Eldritch
                17 months ago

                They wouldn’t have to vote for a Democrat speaker. If they called a new election and enough Republicans abstained or voted present. It’s possible Jeffries could become speaker of the Republican held house. Without a single Republican vote. And honestly it may be the best path forward for Republicans for now. If none of them voted for him then it couldn’t be held against them realistically. And they could go back to all the things they are good at in the short term. Obstruction and playing victim. It’s only kicking the can down the road for them realistically. But they’re gonna resist doing the right thing or facing their reckoning till they’re forced to.

              • @assassin_aragorn
                17 months ago

                Well, interesting times weren’t going to immediately go away with Biden winning 2020 I guess.

    • @jeffwOP
      127 months ago

      Reminds me of Cruz running off to Mexico

    • @Fredselfish
      57 months ago

      Which is bullshit he has no busy in Paris.

      • @[email protected]
        47 months ago

        By Odin I thought you put bussy and just kinda accepted tge horrifying thought. You must suffer as well now.

        • @captainlezbian
          27 months ago

          Yeah the gods know he’s not getting any bussy in Paris. Maybe Paris Texas and Versailles Kentucky. But fuck he couldn’t even pull a Frankfort twink much less a Frankfurt one.

  • HuddaBudda
    457 months ago

    It included a policy rider that would have nullified a Washington, D.C., law aimed at preventing employer discrimination on the basis of reproductive health care decisions.

    Wow… Just so you know, these guys are so enamored with the idea of taking away more of your rights, it is the make or break point for some of these spending bills.

    Some conservatives, meanwhile, opposed the bill because it did not include language to bar funding for a new FBI headquarters.

    Why??? They are the ones who screamed not to de-fund the police right?

    saying it still “needs to cut spending,” even as it proposes pulling back and repurposing billions of dollars in IRS funding approved by Democrats in the last Congress.

    Every dollar we spend on the IRS is reducing the deficit, this is moronic. This will add spending, not take it away.

  • Optional
    367 months ago

    Not to worry, everyone. It’s fine. Mike Johnson’s gonna call his magical sky daddy who’s going to fix everything nice so there’s never any bad things anymore.

    Magical sky daddy’s so great. Everyone should be forced to bodily comply with what a few old white men think he might want at all times so that everything’s always wonderful.

    • @LEDZeppelin
      87 months ago

      Magical sky daddy fan fiction book clearly says what speaker of the US House of Representatives should and should not do on a daily basis.

  • @tburkhol
    7 months ago

    McCarthy could hope to get at least a few Dems to substitute for the right wing crazies. Johnson is a right wing crazy, and there’s [ed:]no pool of super-crazy right wingers he can use to substitute for moderate GOP.

    I imagine this back-room negotiation, where the moderates told the crazies they can have the Speaker in exchange for just keeping the government open, and now they’re learning the lesson we’ve known all along: right wing crazies never negotiate in good faith.

    • @logicbomb
      227 months ago

      Johnson can’t substitute ultra MAGAs for moderate GOP because the GOP has a razor-thin majority, and so that would still mean he’d need to get Democrat votes. But Democrats will probably not vote for anything crazy that Johnson comes up with, first because it wouldn’t pass in the Senate, and second, because they are all watching the GOP implode in real time.

    • themeatbridge
      177 months ago

      Jesus left some fairly straightforward and unambiguous instructions for his followers. The trouble is that conservatives only want the clout of associating with Christ and the power that comes with the authority of speaking on behalf of God.

    • @[email protected]
      67 months ago

      Jesus could do all of the things - cure the blind! Raise the dead! Water to wine! Come back from the dead! Walk on water!

      But he was really shit during that one semester of accounting.

    • @[email protected]
      57 months ago

      if Jesus can’t manage your own House

      This line is so pointed and literal. I love that even the Christians are reading the writing on the wall that their group is more akin to satanic than godly, even if they don’t realize it

    • @Additional_Prune
      17 months ago

      I thought the love of Jesus brought people together and helped them resolve their differences. I guess I should never read a book about, say, European history.

  • @[email protected]
    47 months ago

    The MAGoos are like a bunch of toddlers who are convinced the family car can fly and the reason it isn’t flying is because the babysitter is being mean. They’ll keep demanding different minders, but the car will never fly