Hello world,

I have upgraded from Fedora Silverblue 38 to 39, and docker and virtual machine manager seems not working… Docker when I am trying to start a container shows:

Error response from daemon: failed to create task for container: failed to start shim: mkdir /var/run/docker/containerd/daemon/io.containerd.runtime.v2.task/moby/c1e4abb030cfa69670718c8511a8d27cd9ece387925e2580042becf587b27e9b: file exists: unknown

I have noticed some errors related to python 3.12. GNOME Boxes works pretty fine, but virtual-manager not… Any idea? Or anyone facing the same problems? Thanks in advance

  • 𝒍𝒆𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒏
    71 year ago

    Do you get any output from # virsh list --all and # docker info?

    I have a feeling it’s an SELinux issue, and i’m not familiar with how that works at all (yet 😳). May be a good call to purge virt-manager, libvirtd, docker, containerd, and reinstall them…

    • @sv1sjpOP
      31 year ago

      Already done, still not working :(

      Edit: Fedora got an upgrade today and vm-manager works again without any issue. Docker remains broken, maybe its matter of time. Thank you for your response!!!

  • @danielfgom
    61 year ago

    Have you tried to remove and reinstall virt manger?

    If not, try it. Must be something to do with the kernel modules. Same goes for docker

    • @sv1sjpOP
      31 year ago

      Already done, still not working :(

      Edit: Fedora got an upgrade today and vm-manager works again without any issue. Docker remains broken, maybe its matter of time. Thank you for your response!!!

  • @waitmarks
    41 year ago

    i had a similar issue when rebasing to kinoite, the libvirt service wasn’t set to start on boot after, so check to make sure it’s actually running.

  • @richardisaguy
    31 year ago

    Having the same issue with virt manager inside distrobox

    • @sv1sjpOP
      11 year ago

      There is a new upgrade available, try if it fixes your issue.

    • @sv1sjpOP
      11 year ago

      Already done, still not working :(

      Edit: Fedora got an upgrade today and vm-manager works again without any issue. Docker remains broken, maybe its matter of time. Thank you for your response!!!