• @TropicalDingdong
    10 months ago

    There is no way cacao is pollinated by bats. it’s flowers are minuscule and wayyyyy to delicate to be pollinated by probably even a large bee. Afaik, they are gnat pollinated or otherwise human pollinated.

    I have two in my yard and there is a 0 percent chance that a bat could ever even accidentally pollinate a cacao.

    Here is a link to a video I just made of a cacao flower:


    • @[email protected]
      1511 months ago

      I’m back: although the top ten search results say bats pollinate cacao, I can find no convincing evidence except that the “chocolate midge” is the only cacao pollinator.

      But bats eat midges, is the pollen somehow making it through their tract?

      Bat people where are you

      • @[email protected]
        1011 months ago

        I found this

        When insect-eating bats and birds were excluded from cacao trees in Sulawesi, Indonesia, the crop yield fell by 31 percent.

        • @[email protected]
          311 months ago

          Me too, but I can’t find any specific information on how bats pollinate cacao or if bats are eating other organisms that feed on chocolate midges or what.

          That study might be what all the BuzzFeed lists and everything are referring to, since every mention of bats and cacao maker the same vague assertion of why you should thank bats for chocolate.

          • @hydrospanner
            110 months ago

            While perhaps misleadingly phrased, if taken as two separate ideas (“Thank bats for chocolate”, full stop, “bats pollinate 300 species of plants”), they’re not necessarily saying to thank bats for chocolate because they are responsible for their pollination.

            I have no background in this subject beyond what I’ve read in the comments here, but it seems likely that the bats apply predatory pressure on insects that would otherwise themselves prey upon the pollinating midges, or the plant itself.

            In this way, the bats contribute to the production of chocolate by reducing predatory pressure on the midges which are actually carrying out the pollination process.

            • @[email protected]
              110 months ago

              I was referring to this result while looking this up:

              I totally agree, I replied somewhere else that I’m pretty sure all these listicles are mindlessly refrencing one other and any kernel of truth probably stems from bats eating insects that eat midges.

      • @ickplantOPM
        110 months ago

        Pls see my comment - I believe bats disperse seeds for cacao, and that’s what the picture says. Although I can now also see some sites saying they pollinate it, too.

        • @[email protected]
          10 months ago

          Ah, there is the kernel! Thank you very much for bringing your comment to my attention, appreciate it.

          That makes sense, since the pollen wouldn’t have survived their metabolism but the seeds are evolved to.

          I think I was so interested that I immediately tried to find out about bats and cacao and so many of the listicles said pollinate I got confused.


      • @TropicalDingdong
        010 months ago

        I’ll post some cacao flowers when the sun comes up.

        bat pollinated flowers are almost always large and tubular. because bats are large, at least relative to insects, and even then, I don’t think a bee could successfully pollinate a cacao. suns up in 1hr.

        • @[email protected]
          210 months ago

          I looked them up as soon as I saw your comment and actually saw a midge on the edge of one, so I totally agree.

          Just wondering what the kernel of truth all of these listicles are referencing is.

          • @TropicalDingdong
            10 months ago

            This is a cacao flower. It’s about 5 mm wide (half a centimeter). It has no visible nectaries, and it seems like the pollen are in pollenia attached and guarded by anther shields. Like wise, the stigma has some filimants (maybe infertile anthers?) that also appear to be for blocking self pollination. None of that speaks to bat pollination and unlikely even pollination by European honey bees. This kind of floral arrangement would speak to a specific species that needs to be just the right size to get a pollenia stuck to it, then to be able to move that polenia past the filaments around the stigma on another flower. More akin to an orchid or milkweed style of pollination.

            (uploading a video too, but it will be a few minutes)

    • @ickplantOPM
      110 months ago

      If you look at the wording on the picture - it does not say they pollinate cacao, rather that they disperse seeds for it. I think my title made it confusing, and I should have added seed dispersal…

      You will find that bats are very important in cacao production regardless of how you define their contribution.

      • @TropicalDingdong
        010 months ago

        I think the point of this sidebar is that these kind of mindvirus ideas get spread, but when you scratch beneath the surface, they are all kissing cousins referencing one another.

        This particular version doesn’t explicitly state that bats pollinate cacao, but it strongly implies. Dig around some more and other referencing this do explicitly state; yet no where is it provided that all of this is basically based around one study, which was really just a correlation between bats and cacao productivity in one small area. Its an issue in science communication in general which is why this thread started, to peal back the layers of the onion a bit and dig further. You can see below for some images I took after I saw this post of cacao that I am personally growing. I also posted a link to a YT video I took showing the flowers and how its basically impossible for a bat to pollinate them (and several of the mentalfloss type sites citing the one you linked do explicitly state that). But this is how ‘wrong explanations’ for how things work begin. Factoids aren’t facts, but fact-like-objects.

        • @ickplantOPM
          210 months ago

          I’ll be happy to update the sidebar, I understand the need for accurate communication in science. I also would have thought that Canadian Geographic would be a good source, but apparently not.

          • @TropicalDingdong
            110 months ago

            Well its a good lesson. Thanks for being open minded. Also check out the video to see what a cacao flower looks like.

            Afaik, the paper found a 37% increase in yields when birds and bats had access to cacao. However, I think this is likely due to bats and birds eating the predators of cacao midges (tiny gnats that pollinate cacao).

            This is the key figure from the paper that shows that:

            Here is the link to the paper:


  • @schmidtster
    1211 months ago

    Isn’t this a bit of a misnomer? Wouldn’t whatever became the the cacao plant or other plants evolved to be pollinated by some other mechanism if bats didn’t exist?

    • @_stranger_
      1511 months ago

      Or, there were other plants that went extinct because the animals that pollinated them died out.

      • @ickplantOPM
        711 months ago

        Oh, my… I have finally found the perfect thread to comment this:

        Evolution works in mysterious ways.

        • @_stranger_
          211 months ago

          Exactly. It took us thousands of years to rediscover avocado toast. We’re lucky we still had the Avocado, its distant cousin.

    • @[email protected]
      511 months ago

      It’s impossible to say. There’s certainly no guarantee for a cocoa-like plant to exist, so bats not existing as (initially badly adapted) pollinators could have certainly been their death sentence, depending on how everything else played out for them.

      It could have also just resulted in cocoa plants evolving very differently and ultimately not tasting like the cocoa we know today.

    • @TropicalDingdong
      11 months ago

      Bats don’t pollinate cacao. it’s flowers are tiny and would never survive pollination by a mammal. The headline is misleading.

  • @SCB
    10 months ago

    Or guns! Without bat guano, gunpowder never would have been discovered, and non-guano-related source of saltpeter would likely never have been invented.

    Especially relevant if you want to explain why your fantasy world never “inevitably” develops firearms - maybe bats never evolved, or maybe no one ever tried to make life-extending elixirs from bat poop and accidentally discovered bombs, as happened on our world.

  • Drusas
    611 months ago

    Avocado in salmon sushi rolls > avocado toast (though both are delicious). Also just avocado with soy sauce. Basically avocado with salt is amazing, is what I’m getting at.

    • @ickplantOPM
      311 months ago

      You got my taste buds going. Yes, I am a very big fan of avocado in salmon sushi… mmmm, sushi. Did you know some bats actually eat fish? Just trying to keep it community-relevant 😅

      • Drusas
        311 months ago

        I had no idea. That’s really interesting. There’s such a broader variety of bats than people realize.

        • @ickplantOPM
          411 months ago

          Very broad, here’s a short typology:

          • Drusas
            311 months ago

            Seems to be missing the cute, scared baby archetype.

    • threelonmusketeers
      110 months ago

      avocado with salt is amazing

      I discovered this when I ate a piece of avocado and a piece of meat-lovers pizza in the same bite. 10/10 would recommend.

    • @ickplantOPM
      211 months ago

      “They’re showing full penetration”

  • ArugulaZ
    511 months ago

    Chocolate, tequila, and avocado toast. Now that’s a party!

  • @Wrench
    411 months ago

    How did this get so many up votes with a title like that? Bats are not exclusive pollinators for any of those. Obviously.

    I’m sure there may be a near exclusive pollination relationship for a bat or two, somewhere. But nothing cultivated by man, for obvious reasons.

  • @set_secret
    410 months ago

    I’m pretty sure wasps pollinate figs…

    • @ickplantOPM
      410 months ago

      It doesn’t say they pollinate it - they spread seeds for it since they eat the fruit.

      • @set_secret
        210 months ago

        oh yeah fair call, sry my bad.

        • @ickplantOPM
          210 months ago

          No worries, my title totally made it confusing. We ended up having a great discussion about it ITT.

    • @ickplantOPM
      311 months ago

      They pollinate the green gold aka the avocadoes. The toast is merely a vessel for its scrumptiousness.

      • @ramenshaman
        111 months ago

        I eat a lot of avocado and it’s almost never on toast. They could have just left toast out of the title and I would have been less confused.

  • @Tag365
    210 months ago

    Wait, bats pollinate fruits? I had no idea!

    • @ickplantOPM
      210 months ago

      They do! Chiropterophily is the official term for pollination of plants by bats. They mostly pollinate at night, and they can carry a lot more pollen and thus spread it farther.

      • @Tag365
        210 months ago

        I wonder if there are any other non-insect pollinators out there…

        • @ickplantOPM
          110 months ago

          I know that hummingbirds pollinate, so that’s a yes.

          • @Tag365
            110 months ago

            Any others?

            • @ickplantOPM
              110 months ago

              This is actually super cool, I’m glad you asked. Apparently honey possums, lizards, geckos, skinks, and slugs can all pollinate. There are probably more that aren’t mentioned here.
