We say we don’t want to leave without him. “Can one of our Israeli friends stay here?” we ask. The soldiers refuse, and a gun is raised. It points straight at us – and we begin to back away. “Move on,” we’re told.

Soldiers walk Abuhejleh out of sight around a hill, and as we make our way back to where the road was dug up, Rabbi Dana tells us she’s worried. … We don’t want to leave Abuhejleh, and so the waiting begins. What was promised as a few minutes becomes 30 minutes. Then 45. Then 90. What appears to be the same drone comes back, flying lower, with its camera pointed at us.

Eventually, our IDF contact calls back. He assures us that Abuhejleh is safe, and he strongly advises us to leave the area “for our safety.” So, reluctantly, we do. … We sit down with Abuhejleh to make sure he’s OK and to ask what happened after he was separated from us. He tells us that after he was led away, blindfolded and handcuffed, he was driven to a military office in a nearby settlement where he was mocked and questioned for hours.

“They say it’s our land. It’s not your land. So you must forget it,” he says. Later, when we would ask the IDF why he had been detained, they would provide no comment.

Now that he’s home, he assures us he’s unharmed. And as we’re about to leave, we ask if he plans to go back to see his land, even after today’s incident.

“I will go back. Don’t worry,” he says. “They will arrest, and I will return back – until I will fix my land. It’s our land.”

  • @BMatthew
    11411 months ago

    Hamas in no way is the govt of the West Bank. If anyone has a bit of soul left, they will see this for what it is, the elimination of Christians and Muslims from their homelands by military might against international law and my President Biden supporting this. After all I thought we leaned post George Floyd, we just shifted who we find ok to discriminate against and the rabid hate that was quieted has come back multiple times as strong. It’s almost like there was a built up hate pressure that has exploded. Stop ethnic cleansing, is it to high a bar to ask of our leaders (on both sides as the Republican talking points are just as bad or worse).

      • @lennybird
        3411 months ago

        I don’t have a problem with a primary challenger but there is nobody even considering it let alone viable.

        • John Richard
          811 months ago

          Also Democrats in 2024, “It’s the progressives fault that Biden lost!” Really, you want to get people excited about elections? Then find better candidates.

          • @AFaithfulNihilist
            511 months ago

            I just hope they still show up for all the down ticket races. So much more is elected than President and the way Republicans captured our government was by acting at the school board and town level as well as securing legislatures and governorships so they could pack the courts.

            The birchers had a cohesive strategy for a multi-frontal assault on democracy, and they didn’t do it by getting the most votes for president.

          • @whereisk
            211 months ago

            Meh Hillary has baggage, I’ll let the quasi authoritarian nutjob win instead. Democrats 2016.

            Meh, Biden is not exciting, I’ll let the proven kleptocrats promising they’ll destroy any checks in government win instead - they should have served me a better candidate.

            Hopefully not 2024.

            • John Richard
              111 months ago

              If it comes down to Biden and Trump, you better believe I’m voting for Biden. However, we’ve been here before and the DNC has had 8 years now to fix their shit, but they act as clueless as ever. You don’t like the risk of having an authoritarian Repub in office? Then the DNC needs to fix their shit period. You want to win the house and senate? Then find a Presidential candidate that people actually like.

            • @Dlayknee
              111 months ago

              I dunno, he doesn’t seem half bad - particularly when you look at the mooks currently in the lineup.

        • @Random_user
          511 months ago

          It’s not a zero sum game. You don’t have to be a republican to dislike Joe Biden.

          • @[email protected]
            011 months ago

            You don’t have to like him think shit like calling him “genocide Joe” is counterproductive.

            • @NoneSoVile
              411 months ago

              He is actively and openly supporting and funding a genocide but we’re not allowed to call him mean names?

              • @[email protected]
                011 months ago

                I don’t accept your characterization. And despite what the last person said, it is a zero sum game. Do I need to draw you a diagram of how Trump would be worse in just about every possible way, including for Palestinians?

                • @NoneSoVile
                  211 months ago

                  Obviously Biden is better than Trump. The Democrats and Republicans are both bad. Yes, the Democrats are less bad, but things aren’t going to get better if we just refuse to criticize them because of this.

                  As long as we’re stuck picking between Democrats and Republicans I’m going to continue to vote Democrat and encourage others to do so, but I’m not going to hide my reservations nor accept mockery for refusing to toe the party line.

        • Uranium3006
          411 months ago

          no I’m not. I’m an anarchist. no one is obligated to support shitty candidates and it’s not ok for you to go around calling people republicans for not doing so

          • @[email protected]
            -411 months ago

            It’s not ok for you to sit back and watch while the fascists take over, but here we are.

            • Uranium3006
              511 months ago

              biden supporters, like clinton supporters before them, are the ones risking the country on bad candidates they often don’t like themselves

              • @[email protected]
                -211 months ago

                So what’s your plan? Sit around and gloat about how enlightened you are while the world burns? Your kind does nothing useful.

        • setVeryLoud(true);
          11 months ago

          Found the Americans. Good job, you’ve made it about your country again. You may leave now.

          Edit: The Americans don’t like being told to not make everything about themselves. This platform is america-centric, just like Reddit.

        • @thisisawayoflife
          -1111 months ago

          They are just so left, morally and strategically superior that they’ll hand the election to Republicans to spite the Democrats! That’ll teach em!

          • Uranium3006
            411 months ago

            Biden loses to trump by 4 points but a generic dem wins by 8. he’s the wrong man for the job of beating trump

            • @thisisawayoflife
              -111 months ago

              Good, with how stupid we are collectively, we deserve a Republican president.

              • @rambaroo
                311 months ago

                Lol and you’re over here condescending the other guy for being young. You sound like an immature prick

                • @thisisawayoflife
                  -111 months ago

                  No, I’m just tired of smoothbrains fucking it up for others.

          • @[email protected]
            311 months ago

            And you railing against trying literally anything else besides the status quo, ensure that we’ll continue on with our two party system ensuring Republicans will continue to make up ~50% of the legislature. Good job, bud!

            • @thisisawayoflife
              011 months ago

              Go ahead! I’m not the one that has to worry when Republicans take office.

              • Uranium3006
                111 months ago

                and you sure speak like it, seeing how you’re not worried genocide joe’s gonna blow it next year.

                • @thisisawayoflife
                  -111 months ago

                  I shouldn’t really be that hard on you. You’re young and idealistic and want to just jump the shark with the presidential election instead of doing the necessary work under it. I hope you figure it out someday though.

          • @[email protected]
            11 months ago

            If you care to check my comment history you’ll see I’m anything but. I just understand the realities of a two party system.

            • Uranium3006
              611 months ago

              the primary hasn’t happened yet, we can run another democrat in 2024, it’s not too late

              • @BrandoGil
                411 months ago

                3 states’ filing deadlines to appear on the ballot have already passed and several will pass next month. And then there are the signatory and other requirements to file which take time and money. The ship has sailed on new candidates entering the race

                • Uranium3006
                  211 months ago

                  big mistake on the democratic party. if he loses he can’t blame young people again

              • @rambaroo
                11 months ago

                Hopefully mother nature runs her course for both of these old fucks.

  • @Jaderick
    7311 months ago

    It really seems like the IDF is the more successful Hamas.

    • @LupoOP
      5711 months ago

      They have better funding at the very least

      • @Jaderick
        2311 months ago

        You right. Irgun morphed into the Likud party that’s effectively held power since the late 70s and is in-line with Bibi’s hardline Zionism. The Behind the Bastards Episode on Netanyahu was informative for me on the politics of Israel.

  • Uranium3006
    -2111 months ago

    polls show biden loses to trump by 4 points while a generic democrat would win by 8

    • aubertlone
      511 months ago

      No thanks.

      We tried that in 2016

    • @steveman_ha
      11 months ago

      Ironic considering he himself was the “generic democrat” a few years ago – or at least the “demonstrated state puppet whose name doesn’t rhyme with Billary, and DEFINITELY not with Ernie” candidate…

    • John Richard
      -411 months ago

      Instead of doing something about that they’ll downvote you instead and put their head in the sand.

      • Uranium3006
        011 months ago

        biden supporters don’t even like him, why should I “hold my nose” like how’s that any way to talk to voters? do republicans ask their voters to hold their nose for some corrupt liberal-leaning loser? no? and they win a lot anyways despite a crap platform and ageing electorate? gee I wonder why