Designing some custom labels for when I start bottling before Christmas, so I finally have to get around to coming up with names. The cherry has had its name since before I even started it, as well as a tagline and description. So cherry is set. Need to come up with something along the same lines for the blueberry and the mixed berry. But I got nothing. Thought about some kind of “blue balls” joke for the name of the blueberry, but I didn’t really like it. It was easier naming my jerky.

Lost Cherry Woods

The first time’s a mess, but she’s a keeper. …and tastes like cherries.

Premium cherry Melomel, handcrafted in my kitchen using only the finest bee vomit, in the most premium of plastic buckets, and aged to perfection in the back of my closet.

  • Uranium 🟩
    1 year ago

    I don’t know but the blueballs does seem like a viable idea to work from.

    It could’ve been worse, all she left you with was Blueberries…

    Tender Blueberries from fertile ground, had their spirits raised but were ultimately crushed to bring you this beverage. Best served with an ice pack applied.

    41 year ago

    More punny, not so dirty.

    • Cherryfied, Cherry Christmas. Mystcherry.

    • Bloo, Blueberry 3.14, Moody Blues

    • Berry-go-round, Eat drink and be Berry, Berry the hatchet, Berry Christmas

  • @Gregorech
    21 year ago

    Blueberry Hill.

    You’ll find your thrill with this one.

    From the old Chuck Berry song.

    Like Keys in a bowl, mixed berry

    Your sisters/moms uterus, mixed berry