Two actual cat beds and a “house” in the frame. She is sleeping on a shopping bag.

The only cat bed she likes is the hanging one with her stuffed animals.

  • bran_buckler
    117 months ago

    She’s so precious! Sometimes you just want to sleep on a pile of trash…

  • don
    87 months ago

    “These… structures… you have here, what do you use them for? Do they serve a purpose, or do you place them here to inconvenience me?”

  • @cosmicrookie
    27 months ago

    Ruby loves cat beds! You just dont get to tell Ruby what a cat bed is …

  • @[email protected]
    27 months ago

    have you tried putting one of your shirts on the cat beds? they want to be near things that smell like you and themselves, and presumably if you’ve used the shopping bag then it smells like you.

    • @WoolyNelsonOP
      87 months ago

      It’s more one of her foibles - she loves making cat beds out of things that aren’t. My favorite instance is when she bit a hole into a “yoga ball” to collapse it into a bed.