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Day 19 of The Diet round 2. So far I have lost -2kg. It looks like I’m going to have to take drastic measures. I think I might have to actually eat less food. Apparently just saying I am on a diet and committing to losing weight is not enough to manifest that result into reality. Disapointing.
Smaller plates and/or bowls. So what looks like a full meal is actually less food, but still has all the nutrients in proper balance.
Meal portioning in my hilariously broke uni days definitely left me unintentionally losing a lot of weight. I made it work by telling myself that’s all there is in the portion and if I wanted any more I’d be ruining tomorrow’s lunch, which I couldn’t afford to do, so there.
Volume eating is what helps me get into gear. Same sized plate as always, but a smaller, more reasonable portion of the actual food, served on a gigantic bed of lettuce, cucumber, cabbage, shiritake noodles, etc.
I’m feeling full immediately because of the volume, I stay full because the meal itself was an appropriate portion of something nutritious, and after a few weeks of eating like this I find I’m naturally gravitating towards smaller portions of more veggie-heavy meals, recognising when I’m full, and no longer eating with my eyes. I no longer need the bed of cabbage to satisfy my hunger.
Perhaps it has something to do with the gut microbiome and the fibre in the cabbage that just re-wires my stomach to be happy with a diet.
Alas, buying a smaller frock or a set of weights that sit in the cupboard doesn’t work either. This manifesting stuff is nonsense.
yeah, I have an impressive set of weights, and a cupboard stuffed full of clothes too small for me. I even have a fit ball, what more does the universe want from me?!
I think you’re doing well. I find there’s either 2 scenarios which occur. In the first, the initial few kilos are hard to budge and then it starts really happening, then frustratingly it plateaus. In the second, the first few kilos melt off and then it’s a bastard to lose the next few, and then it frustratingly plateaus 😆. I’ve learnt that I’m good all year but then my birthday happens in mid October and I turn into a bear preparing for hibernation from then until after Xmas. I don’t know whether to embrace or fight it.
I’ve found it to be very hormonal for me - I normally go through about a week where I am really hungry all the time and put on weight quickly (presumably mostly water) and then a week where I’m not really hungry at all and the weight all just vanishes again. I’ve learned to just go with that and not stress about it. The problem I’m having at the moment is peri-menopause has put a spanner in the works, and keeps just leaving me in the PMT “hungry” phase for ages.
I’m not pushing to lose weight quickly, but I would like to lose maybe another 20kg over the next few years to get down to a healthy range. My body is really fighting me on it though.
Aah perimenopause, I can relate to you there! For me it feels like puberty without any of the fun stuff, like sexual enlightenment. It’s sexual “endarkenment” for me!😆 Certainly one of the main reasons my body wants to get podgy; with physical work and peri combined I feel like a comfy old cushion with muscles. I have drawn a picture which I will share:
-2 kg in 19 days is pretty good. Don’t eat less. What you need to do is strength or resistance training 2 or 3 times a week so when you are resting you continue to burn calories.
no, I’ve not lost 2kg, I’ve lost -2. A negative and a negative = a positive. I’ve gained 2kg 🤣
Oh I see.
2kgs is great progress! Not a dietician but I have heard that you don’t need to eat less food if you’re on top of the macros and exercise.
I’ve gained 2kg, not lost it.
“macros” are food. You can’t both be “on top of” your macros and not eat less if the appropriate amount to eat to lose weight is less than what you are currently eating.
Oh you said lost -2kgs. Hmmm tricky then. I’ll rephrase what I meant. My dietitian told me that I can still eat plenty of food but need to be mindful of the carbs / fat content (now obviously YMMV). There’s so many recipes on YouTube of a large meal with a surprisingly low calorific content. Its just tricky finding them.
Check this dude out: https://youtube.com/@Felu?si=E8xFhlljT3U_4GfC
He has some fantastic recipes in there - especially the Udon noods ones. They’re plentiful and I often eat only half the portion cuz I’m so full.
Bill and Ted relaxing
Bill Cat’s not impressed that Ted Cat let one off the chain.
Does anybody else get weirdly offended when Americans call pizza a pie?
I get more confused than offended by marshmallows in ‘salad’ and pumpkin pie being a sweet rather than an onion & cheese extravaganza
Yes. It’s not a fkn pie; it’s a pizza! A pie is a pastry, pizza is L I F E
there is no pastry, only pie crust
is pastry not life? 😨
Is is also life, but pizza is L I F E and Americans should stop confusing the two lol
parmas on spaghetti does my head in.
It’d end up sliding around.
I’ve had this multiple times and honestly I kinda dig it. It doesn’t slide like you’d imagine.
They call them “parmis” here, and I just can’t get used to that.
And biscuits with gravy
And the gravy looks like custard with meat in it. I’ve never eaten it, but it looks repulsive.
Yes, those are fucking scones
Though they are a quick bread like scones made with self raising flour biscuits are more like Yorkshire puddings or dumplings, they have much more butter than scones and aren’t sweet.
And burgers being called sandwiches. It’s confusing.
Only ‘burgers’ which are chicken. Chicken isn’t hamburger so I get that one… I think we’re wrong there.
Until recently I used to get all anxious about Americanisms. Then I saw a classification of various English dialects somewhere and American was described as Simplified English! And it is, Webster simplified usage and spelling to help create a new American identity and to democratise the language. Now I just see American as Simplified and the rest of us are using Traditional.
They are still wrong though. 😉 ( not really, American is just different )
What I like about the warmer weather. Using the clothes line more, BBL, Christmas pudding, mince pies, BBQs, eating icecream for dinner.
What I dislike. Wildlife in the house, hordes of people shopping for Armageddon, sweaty crotches, burning skin, salads, hot car.
I like the perfect days when you want neither heating or aircon. Open the windows and let fresh air in. And being outdoors more, the mood lift that comes from seeing sun and blue sky, gardens in bloom, and mangoes and stone fruits. Things I don’t like are the car parks at shopping centres, bake your skin off 40C days, and flies.
Days like today where you can rip the door open for some fresh air are the best.
Goldilocks weather. If even half the year could be like this I’d never leave.
Yes! Love how the warmer weather lets us show off our BBLs. 💅
Gotta shake it so the world knows 🍑
I prefer fuel injection, it makes for better throttle response and fuel efficiency
I’ve set up a budget friendly meals post in [email protected]. If you could contribute that would be great. Thanks.
Did they ever show Dr Quinn, Medicine Woman here in Australia? I stumbled across a reference to it and am bathed in nostalgic memories of watching it after school as a young kid in the early to mid 90s. I forgot most of it except Sully, and that the doctor and him were in love and had their own baby in the end.
Yes they did. It was on Saturdays.
Slabs smashed, holes backfilled and we also got His Lordship’s hammock frame back together in a grove under the apple trees so there goes getting him to do anything for the rest of the summer
This cat is so funny. She was doing her jumping up on a wardrobe door thing to get my attention, and led me to what she wanted… the sun only starts to slant into the house at around 3pm and it was a few handwidths from coming in. She wanted me to bring the sun to her faster.
Was a nice day to get out fam…
Big game on tonight guys. India vs Australia for the Cricket World Cup.
Oh my mate is in the crowd for this one! You might be able to spot him, he’s in a blue shirt.
Hahaha. Well he’ll be shitting his pants about now.
How funny was that? They were SO QUIET hahaha devo crowd
Five runs an over. C’mon boys, you can do this! Work tomorrow is going to be amazeballs if they pull it off.
Oh thank you. Waiting for a mild headache to go away but don’t want to sleep. Cricket’s perfect.
Bats took up residence in the huge eucalyptus out the back a few weeks ago. Now there are hundreds of them every night, making that creepy chattering sound and flying around in circles doing their bat thing. The dog does not like them.
They’ll be snacking on flowers, and should move on once the tree stops flowering.
I think you’re onto something there. Parrots all day long, bats all night long. At least the parrots are pleasant to look at and listen to.
and neither will any close by fruit trees or vegie patches
ooof smashing up the last of that concrete in this sun is some real prison labour shit.
Sitting at a winery out in Myrniong sipping a CC & Dry listening to some old bloke singing with his acoustic guitar on this sunny Sunday. It’s very much not crowded at all, it’s pretty quiet actually. This is comfortable as fuuuuck. Let’s cull like 65% of the population so we can have nice things like this all over the place!
Edit: look out he’s got his harmonica out! This just got excellent.
Well I’ve put on about 6 kg since my birthday. As I said in another comment, I’m good all year until my birthday to Xmas. Those 2½ months become a gorgefest of gluttony. I don’t know whether to fight it or embrace it. Maybe I’m banking all my treat days 😆
I’ve been pretty busy tho. Work’s been pretty physical and also this weekend I’ve been tearing the flat apart and rearranging and deep cleaning it while I look for a library book the Elder received a notice from school about, which we’re both sure he returned. If we don’t find it they say they won’t let him graduate. From primary school 🤨 Last time this happened he was a prep, and they refused to let him borrow for weeks. They sent home 3 letters about it, I turned the flat upside down, and they found it sitting on the library shelf, where it had presumably been the whole time! Good excuse to deep clean the flat, throw out a couch (was lighter than I expected 💪) and arrange things more suitably. Mr P can’t really do these things anymore, too much strain on the back.
Does the school principal have a history of working at Centrelink with the robodebt scheme? Threatening an excessive punishment against someone you hold a great deal of power over, for a minor transgression you allege with no real proof or path of appeal, sounds very familiar.
Lol that’s simultaneously funny and sad… I think she’s one of those career education department people. Not that there’s anything wrong with that…
it’s their secret plot to get you to deep clean and rearrange the school library
Winter for me. Eating as heating.
For me it’s eating as celebration… guess my birthday goes until New Year’s! Woo!
Buy a replacement book and give it to them?
Day 36/70: First day of week 6 weigh-in.
Down 1.0kg. Well, I’m finally half-way and still dropping weight despite not riding one day and having fast food for dinner last night. I haven’t expected to maintain the 1kg/week this long. Expecting the plateau any week now.