• @dsmaster7173OP
      341 year ago

      lefty anti-capitalist spaces tend to attract them in general

    • mossM
      61 year ago

      Not in this one they’re all on the tankie instance

        • @[email protected]
          201 year ago

          The instance is called lemmygrad.ml and already blocked by most of the other instances. You can see blocked instances if you scroll down the page and click on the Instances button.

          Their 196 is called moretankie196.

          • @KermitLeFrog
            161 year ago

            lemmy.ml is also pretty tankies friendly. Lemmy.world is the only instance I’m using regularly although suggestions of other good ones are welcome

            • @Protegee9850
              71 year ago

              It’s over run with them. We need a world news community on Lemmy.World and calls to defederate the .ml instance

          • @knaak
            61 year ago

            What’s a 196? What’s a tankie?

            • @KermitLeFrog
              151 year ago

              196 is the subreddit that this community is based on. The only official rules are that you must post before you leave and you can’t be a bigot. It ends up basically like r/shitposting, except aggressively pro-LGBTQ instead of anti.

              A tankie is a leftist who thinks that Mao, Stalin, and Castro were cool.

            • @potatisgris
              111 year ago

              A 196 is a meme sharing forum with the name 196. I don’t really know how to describe a tankie, but something like: a leftist person who glorifies autocracy and the use of force to make a leftist utopia.

              • @knaak
                71 year ago

                Thanks. I guess that I am grateful that I don’t know about either of those things.

              • @Hylirica
                61 year ago

                But if you force people in, it’s a prison, not a utopia…

              • @weirdwallace75
                61 year ago

                A Utopia which viciously guards its borders to keep people from leaving.

            • @weirdwallace75
              51 year ago

              Originally, tankies were Western Leftists who defended the USSR when it used literal tanks to crush popular revolutions in Czechoslovakia and Hungary.

            • @[email protected]
              1 year ago

              «tankie» is a term used to describe communists who support or are critically supportive of so-called “authoritarian regimes” (AES (actual existing socialism) such as Cuba, the USSR, China, Vietnam, the DPRK, Laos, etc.) or their actions.

              • @knaak
                51 year ago

                The guy driving the tank rather than standing in front of it.

        • mossM
          11 year ago

          The community is called moretankie196 and I’m not sure what the server is exactly called

  • @RedMarsRepublic
    101 year ago

    Liberals when talking about human rights: :) Liberals when talking about the enforcement of human rights: :(

    • @KermitLeFrog
      301 year ago

      Tankies ≠ leftists ≠ liberals

      Plenty of leftists want human rights and even know we’ll need a revolution to get them, but the USSR and CCP were not ever communist, they were authoritarian oligarchies disguised as communism. The same way the US is not a democracy or a republic, it’s an authoritarian oligarchy disguised as one.

      • @passport
        -61 year ago


      • @RedMarsRepublic
        -211 year ago

        The USSR wasn’t perfect (and Stalin ruined most things that were good obviously) but they weren’t any worse than the USA or the west.

        • @KermitLeFrog
          191 year ago

          Your reading comprehension really is something to behold. You basically just disagreed with me by saying exactly the same thing I just fucking said.

          • @RedMarsRepublic
            1 year ago

            Yeah okay, fair enough, I kinda only read the start and end of your post. I guess I agree with you then. I still think the USSR gets too much hate in general though. I vociferously defend the USSR around liberals and attack it around M-Ls lol.

            • @tumble_weeds
              11 year ago

              I kinda only read the start and end of your post

              You should try learning to read, it will change your life.

            • @KermitLeFrog
              -11 year ago

              My opinion on the USSR is that Lenin was cool, Trotsky was cool, and everyone else deserved to be hanged in Minecraft

      • @RedMarsRepublic
        01 year ago

        Yes that was my point, easy to criticise tankies but at least they want to do things.

    • @weirdwallace75
      11 year ago

      I’m a Liberal through and through and I’m all in favor of enforcing human rights.

      • @RedMarsRepublic
        01 year ago

        That’s great, but liberalism as an ideology in the real world is pathetically weak on the right.

        • @weirdwallace75
          1 year ago

          Yeah, the Liberals only destroyed the Nazis and Imperial Japan in WWII, saving the USSR in the process.

          Not to mention jailing far right nutballs whenever they step out of line.

          Much worse than running gulags for anarchists. /s

          • @RedMarsRepublic
            1 year ago

            The USSR did 90% of the work in beating the Nazis though. As for jailing the far right, it sure doesn’t look like it, just look how many of them are running around encouraging stochastic terrorism against the LGBT community.

            • @weirdwallace75
              21 year ago

              The USSR only fought the Nazis, and then only after allying with them.

              • @RedMarsRepublic
                01 year ago

                The west also did a ton of non-aggression pacts and friendship pacts with the Nazis. Also; Poland was fascist at the time too.

                • @weirdwallace75
                  31 year ago

                  Poland was not in a good place politically, but it wasn’t Fascist, and the USSR didn’t just make a friendship pact with the Nazis, it went to war alongside them. Stalin was an opportunist who made a dumb decision, not a principled anti-Fascist.

  • Łumało [he/him]
    21 year ago

    I have come to one nine five, I’m the spooky tankie that is in the room with you right now oooooooooooh! 👻👻👻 I’m the spectre of communism! 👻👻👻

    Be sure to check your walls!

  • @1ipod
    11 year ago

    196 doesn’t really seem to be very tankie filled

  • mossM
    -31 year ago

    deleted by creator

  • @aloeha
    -111 year ago

    Sir, are the talkies in the room with us right now?

    • @KermitLeFrog
      771 year ago

      Yeah, tankies are not the only people who realize George Bush lied about WMDs lmao. Basically all leftists know that. However, most other leftists don’t make excuses for people like Stalin, Mao, and Castro. We can advance our cause without supporting mass murderers. Fuck tankies

        • @KermitLeFrog
          281 year ago

          Why would there only be one lie?

          There aren’t and I never said there were. I was responding specifically to a comment about WMDs in Iraq

          Although people died in violent clashes on Chang’an Avenue and elsewhere in Beijing, no one died in Tiananmen Square

          This, however, is directly a lie. While it is true that nearly all confirmed deaths were at Muxidi and Chang’an Avenue, there were definitely deaths within the square itself. The only reason there weren’t more is because the students were committed to nonviolent protest, even as a full military force with weapons banned by the Geneva Conventions pulled up on them. (Guess what, the Geneva Conventions don’t apply if you don’t declare war! The US and CCP both love that tidbit).

          Wikileaks published diplomatic cables acknowledging that no one died in the square

          The first source you linked states clearly that gunfire was heard in the Square, as do almost every other source I could find. And no, it’s not just referring to the gunfire that was used to destroy the loudspeakers. Your second source tries to pretend like Muxidi was just a few people killed under very different circumstances, and also pretends as though everyone thinks Tiananmen was simply a massacre of students and nothing more. Maybe I’m in the minority, but the fact that the protestors in the square were university students was never more than a footnote of the story. It doesn’t really change it, and I was also aware that students were not the only participants in the protest.

          Your third source is from someone who heard the gunfire but could not see the square, and was driven through the square forty minutes later. He says he didn’t see any evidence of mass shootings there, but that doesn’t mean there weren’t any. Forty minutes is a long time to clean things up, especially when some reported that they ran over the dead in order to hose them down the drains in the square for efficient cleaning. 1 2 Most likely what happened in the square itself is that some protestors were killed by gunfire, whether randomly or intentionally, and from being crushed by tanks (which your fourth source confirms by the way) while most were escorted out later. This of course does not change the fact that an unknown number likely in the thousands were killed trying to keep the army from getting to the square, and killed trying to enter the square after the army already arrived there.

          Hou Dejian, who was there all night, called out the false narrative in an interview: “Are we going to use lies against an enemy who lies?”

          Hou Dejian also made an unknown agreement with CCP officials after secretly meeting with them. He later admitted that this meeting occurred, but we still don’t know what it was about or why. Using him as a source for anything is suspect at best.

          A Spanish film crew was in in the square all night and filmed students leaving peacefully at dawn, singing the Internationale. Here it is on Youtube: [9]. This aired on Hong Kong news but never in the west — I wonder why?

          I can’t speak to if this ever appeared on the news, but nearly every source I read about this, as well as the Wikipedia page for the massacre, mentions this. Anyone who wants to learn about this event knows that some of the students were able to leave the square peacefully.

          Tiananmen Square massacre is not.

          This is at best misleading semantics, but in reality a boldfaced lie. Enough people died in the square for it to be called a massacre. Even some of the articles you sourced said that in no uncertain terms. But even if that wasn’t the case, more than enough people died across Beijing and across a half-dozen other cities in China who also held protests in solidarity with the protestors at Tiananmen. To say there is no evidence of a massacre at Tiananmen is to say there is no evidence that I shit in a toilet.

          I have things to do tonight, so I’ll have to come back to your posts about NK and Xinjiang later. What comes after this is a mix of personal anecdotes, interviews with current and former Chinese citizens, and my own conclusions. It will all be unsourced but if anyone’s curious I can clarify where things came from later.

          China still says Tiananmen was a student riot that was quieted mostly without casualties by the military police, and that those who died were killed in self-defense. This is an outright falsehood. They switched from rubber bullets to live rounds before they even reached the square, hence the confirmed deaths at Muxidi, Chang’an, and other places in the city. The people were shocked at the usage of live rounds. The event is still something that Chinese people do not talk about. In the modern day, everyone knows about it thanks mostly to Wikipedia. It’s somehow not blocked by the Great Firewall and a lot of data about the event is written on there. But even back when it happened, most people knew what really happened even though the government suppressed news and lied in their official releases. Some people still bought the lies that it was a necessary evil, even though they knew that the government had lied about how bad the event really was.

          Beyond any of that, I notice you don’t have anything to say about the Great Leap Forward or the Cultural Revolution, despite those being arguably much more harmful events in the history the CCP. But even more importantly, the fact that you feel the need to defend the CCP at all makes zero sense, since it has never resembled communism. If your goal truly is to advance communism, you should want to distance yourself from China as much as possible, because they are not and have never been communist. Since the days of Deng Xiaoping China has been an authoritarian oligarchy pretending to be capitalist, and before that it was an authoritarian oligarchy pretending to be communist. The party has never sought to work for the people.

          And please stop taking pages from the fascist’s playbook by saying a bunch of dumb bullshit and forcing people like me to break down, step-by-step, why you couldn’t possibly be more wrong. This comment did not need to be a 5 minute read. The last paragraph is really the only one that says anything new at all, but some people might read your shit-flinging comment and actually agree with you if they didn’t know any better. It’s ironic that you are spreading misinformation while pleading for people to stop spreading misinformation.

          • @Protegee9850
            231 year ago

            and at the end of the day, you’re arguing with someone supporting the massacre at Tienanmen Square. THAT is why we need to kick the tankies out. Defederate the Lemmy.ml instances and Lemmy and the fediverse will be better for it

            • @KermitLeFrog
              141 year ago

              I do feel the need to clarify a little bit

              What I was doing wasn’t arguing, although it may have looked like that. I was correcting. His comment, although it’s now deleted, was quite convincing to the untrained eye. He used several tools from the fascist’s playbook (Innuendo Studios calls it alt-right but I think fascist is more accurate), unknowingly or not, which made it very easy to sway susceptible minds with less knowledge on the topic. Correcting these people when they pop up is important, even though it’s ridiculously tedious and you will never sway the mind of the person who wrote the comment. Because that correction will stay there for the people who are still uneducated on why they’re so wrong.

            • Something Burger 🍔
              111 year ago

              We shouldn’t debate with tankies, just like we shouldn’t debate with nazis. Banning them on sight is the right thing to do.

          • @pleasemakesense
            81 year ago

            I just wanted to say I really appreciate the time and effort you put into this comment. Very interesting read

            • @KermitLeFrog
              71 year ago

              Thanks! For some sick twisted reason I actually enjoy doing stuff like this, maybe because my teachers always hated my essays in school and I need validation that my writing style isn’t complete garbage. I’m glad to know some people are getting value out of the work I put into it.

    • @BlackCoffee
      1 year ago

      “The dismissal of tankies really bothers me”

      I am gonna make it easy.

      If you are a holocaust denier, Stalin/Mao/Hitler/lenin fetishist or “defend” how they ruled their people then you are purposely keeping your eyes shut.

      There is so so much literature to read and material to watch about these people that you actually have to actively dodge it to not know what they have done and some of the regimes that came from them are still doing.

      Just because you are right about 1 thing doesn’t mean that it validates every single believe that you have.

      There are also enough people who are not the above who were against the invasion of Iraq and already foresaw why the US went there.

      But this is the thing; It is your choice to believe the above. It literally is a choice, the truth is different. It is literally a choice to close your eyes towards history and the crimes authoritarian rulers and regimes are still commiting towards their citizens.

      The western world is not perfect but there is a reason people are fleeing towards western nations and not the other way around.

        • @BlackCoffee
          301 year ago

          I love the fact that you all have a notepad somewhere with written statements for these subject. Don’t make it to obvious.

          What is the point you are trying to make with that article? That western nations are not perfect? That because western nations are taking advantage of others that it is okay for countries to commit mass murder? That authoritarian regimes are born from western actions? That inequality all around the world is born from the actions of western nations?Tell me what is your angle and what do you want me to do with the info you provide which is information that I already knew.

          In regards to your other posts;

          Criticizing journalism is okay. Not taking everything at face value is a good practice to have.

          But willfully ignoring history and everything that has been said and written about it is just still and again people purposely closing their eyes.

          I still do not understand why someone would not take the time to actually read the literature and watch the footage of how hurtful these regimes have been through the years.

      • @Iceman
        -111 year ago

        Defending the genocidal western world in some contrarian bs over tankies is nothing but discussing. But please rationalize a million dead Iraqis, with this snobbish tone, you’re probably correct.

        • @BlackCoffee
          81 year ago

          You accuse me of defending the “genocidal” western world?

          Which country started WW2 and the holocaust? I am gonna give you a hint it is 1 of the people I named in my post.

          If you actually think I am defending anyone than you are not reading my post.

            • @BlackCoffee
              31 year ago

              Seriously what point are you trying to make?

              You are saying that Europe “rolled” over and effectively died when the Nazis were strolling in and most of the western nations were just apathically watching?

              I agree with you. Good point to make. If the western nations were to make a stand earlier in Hitlers crusade than alot of hurt could be spared.

              Even in my country there used to be enough people who were collaborating with the Nazis. We actually had a party who were actively promoting it.

              My country also had the most jewish victims that were murdered by the Nazis. Three quarters of the total that lived in my country were brutally slaughtered.

              It is the highest of all western nations.

              I have read the literature and seen the documentaries.

              So again what is the point that you are trying to make that I don’t know about?

              • @nephs
                1 year ago

                My point is that, by the single metric of crushing nazis, no warring nation topped the soviets.

                Can’t deny that the strongest opposition to nazis, by count of absolute death of nazis, was the socialists, not the democrats.

                You agree western nations were lenient in the beginning, just like the soviets did what was diplomatically available to delay being attacked, until some industrial setup was available.

                But by the end of ww2, counting the bodies, soviets get less credit than they deserve by western historiography.

                Source: Wikipedia.

                • @BlackCoffee
                  1 year ago

                  “But by the end of ww2, counting the bodies, soviets get less credit than they deserve by western historiography.”

                  Sounds more like a thing that you should pick up with your history teacher then.

                  WW2 in my country is a part of history that get’s the most attention during history classes. Never has it underestimated the role of the Soviets in the WW2 in defeat of the Nazi’s.

                  That doesn’t mean that it validates the regime that it had during those years. Don’t you have the ability to see the incidents in isolation or is your whole reasoning about this fact that because they killed the most Nazi’s that the regime and whatever they did in Eastern Europe and their own borders are OK?

                  It is the same reasoning people make that Hitler is also quite a good guy because he designed the Autobahn (which is Nazi propaganda) that “improved” the lives of the people of Germany.

                  Just because a governing body of a country did good things for their country or had tendencies to make a right choice doesn’t change the fact that they are and still can be pieces of shit.

                • @weirdwallace75
                  41 year ago

                  Doesn’t change the fact the USSR allied with the Nazis and divided up Poland with them, and then came crying to the West for Lend-Lease aid when trusting Hitler backfired on them.

                • @tumble_weeds
                  41 year ago

                  My point is that, by the single metric of getting crushed by nazis, no warring nation topped the soviets.

                  Fixed that for you. That’s what happens when you cozy up with Hitler trying to be his ally like a moron before realizing you fucked up. A long and proud history of shit decision making and then whining about it after.

            • @weirdwallace75
              11 year ago

              Doesn’t change the fact the USSR allied with the Nazis and divided up Poland with them, and then came crying to the West for Lend-Lease aid when trusting Hitler backfired on them.

                • @utopianfiat
                  21 year ago

                  The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact was negotiated while Thalmann was rotting in a concentration camp. Stalin was actively censoring Soviet solidarity with Thalmann for a half decade because he believed the Nazis could be compromised with and didn’t want to send the message that they supported a German political prisoner, even a Communist one. After years in the camp Thalmann was eventually shot in the back of the head on Hitler’s personal order.

          • @Iceman
            -21 year ago

            Your useage of ‘buts’ is awfully similar.

            • @BlackCoffee
              21 year ago

              I can’t help that I like big butts and I cannot lie.