First police investigation of Supernova festival also found Israeli forces responsible for some deaths.

    • NoneOfUrBusiness
      10 months ago

      Not saying they did or didn’t, but we’re still in fog of war territory. We know the 1200 include military personnel (who are pretty much fair game) and that there are many civilians who died to reckless IDF fire. Again, not saying they didn’t, but that the whole thing needs more investigation.

      • @IchNichtenLichten
        810 months ago

        I agree that an investigation is needed but Israel has been blowing up its credibility with every lie it tells and every civilian it has murdered. Who’s going to investigate and how are they going to be able to gather evidence?

        • Franzia
          310 months ago

          I’m certain a lot of people who have investigated have been killed for doing so. 45 journalists lost in this 2 months of war.

      • @[email protected]
        010 months ago

        Those civilians would not have died if Hamas had not attacked civilian areas. The whole reason there were any casualties is because Hamas attacked.

        • Ooops
          2710 months ago

          So if someone robs a shop, the police arrives and starts shooting killing several bystanders means the robber is now charged with murder and the police involvement isn’t scrutinized.

          Is that really the argument you are trying to make here?

          • @[email protected]
            2710 months ago

            That is the argument they are making, yes. What you described is pretty much “felony murder doctrine,” blaming any death that occurs during the commission of a crime on the perpetrators. Felony murder charges have been used very effectively to justify police brutality and excessive force. If a cop kneels on your neck until you die but you were committing a crime, you murdered yourself, they say.

          • @[email protected]
            510 months ago

            … That is generally how it works where I live, yes.

            Police causalities caused by actions intended to stop a felony are charged to the felon and they are held responsible.

            Not that I fully agree with the unscrutinized part but your analogy isn’t the best.

          • @[email protected]
            210 months ago

            No I am saying Hamas committed an atrocity. There is no escaping that. Throwing in spurious figures regarding Israeli competence does not alleviate that.

            There are many wrong in this. It is hard to find any rights at all from any side. Ignoring all the wrongs that have been committed by both sides will not solve the issue. Parties need to recognise that shit is being, and has been done. It should not be buried with BS in a cheap effort to dilute responsibility.

            • Omega
              1210 months ago

              Basically both of you think the other one is trying to shift blame, when in actuality you’re trying to make sure both are blamed.

              Sums up a lot of arguments over this war.

                • Ooops
                  410 months ago

                  Those civilians would not have died if Hamas had not attacked civilian areas.

                  And yet, by your very own bullshit IDF soldiers shooting civilians are indeed innocent because it’s all Hama’s fault.

                  “there is not innocent party in this conflict” is not some solve-all catchphrase to get rid of criticism. It needs to actually be applied and those soldiers need to scrutinized for what happened there.

            • Ooops
              1010 months ago

              And nobody said that Hamas terror acts were not an atrocity. What was instead criticised is the fact that IDF soldiers also taking their part in killing civilians there is completely and pointedly ignored.

              Which you then justify with some bullshit of how it would not have happened without the Hama’s attack in the first place.

              So my point stands: If you think that soldiers indiscriminately shooting civilians is to blame solely on Hamas, then police shooting civilians while trying to stop a robbing is to be blamed solely on the robber, too.

                • Ooops
                  010 months ago

                  There are reports that IDF members were there, too. Shooting back amid civilians. It was probably chaotic and nobody actually knows who was shot by whom, because Israel is refusing to even investigate. In fact they also refuse to make public how many IDF members were there and how many died or how many Hamas members died. They only categorically tell us a total number, implying all dead were peaceful civilians killed by Hamas.

              • @[email protected]
                -210 months ago

                I doubt very much that it is being ignored by the families of those involved. I highly doubt that Israel will be honest regarding the facts. But again there is a huge difference between blue on blue events and deliberate murders. Or are you suggesting Israel killed civilians deliberately also?

        • NoneOfUrBusiness
          710 months ago

          And justifies the IDF bombing their own citizens because…?

          Hamas can’t be blamed for the fact that they attacked. Fighting an occupier is allowed by international law, and if that wasn’t enough Israel’s blockade of Gaza is an act of war. This means that starting 1967, and even more so since 2005, any and all military action within the bounds of international law is fair game. They can be blamed for their conduct during the attack. We know civilians were killed by Hamas, and they absolutely should be condemned for that. However, the specifics, including how many of the casualties were civilians vs IDF, how many were killed by the Hamas and how many were killed by the IDF, how many were caught up in the crossfire, those are still in fog of war territory.

          • @[email protected]
            110 months ago

            Fighting an occupier is allowed by international law,

            Slaughtering civilians is not acceptable under international law. The rest is just propaganda until you can produce data to back it up. Just stating that Israel committed blue on blue attacks is not really good enough. Even then the scale of the attacks by Hamas will have sent Israeli defence systems into turmoil. Getting confused and hitting a wrong target is pathetic, it is not a criminal offence if it is done in a national defence situation.

            • stopthatgirl7OP
              1610 months ago

              Slaughtering civilians is not acceptable under international law.

              Please tell that to Israel, since they’re doing an awful lot of that.

              • @S_204
                410 months ago

                Unfortunately you’re not a civilian if you’re dressed like one but holding an RPG.

                I’m sure you’ve seen the video of the ‘medic’, who stripped the rifle from the wounded man instead of helping him and handed it to another ‘civilian’ who was firing on something, presumably IDF forces.

                Just like the hospital losing protection once Hamas sets up in it, we’re seeing the weaponization of international laws and the complete disregard for the rules of war here and it’s fucking tragic.

                • @avater
                  10 months ago

                  Sadly this is how an this war is fought. The Hamas is no regular army, they are terrorists who can hide among civilians, but this also gives no justification for clear attacks on civilians. Israel is in a very delicate and complicated situation…

            • NoneOfUrBusiness
              10 months ago

              I’m not saying they’re allowed to slaughter civilians. I’m saying while we do know civilians were murdered by Hamas, and we absolutely should condemn that, we don’t know if civilians were wholesale slaughtered or not (alternatively, whether Hamas soldiers had a policy of killing unarmed civilians or not). When you include the fact that the Israeli casualties include IDF personnel and civilians the IDF killed (not accidentally, see this for more details), we need to know at least the approximate number of those people before we can assign blame. This is why I said we’re in fog of war territory.

              “Hamas attacked so all casualties are their responsibility” doesn’t check out, which is why we need to wait for the details (which still haven’t come out).

              • @[email protected]
                -310 months ago

                They created that fog of war though. Israelis would not have made any blue on blue attacks without the attack happening. We could argue all day if Hamas is directly or indirectly to blame for some of the killings, but none of them would have happened at all without the attack. It is not as if the Israelis recognised Hamas was attacking and they used it as an opportunity to kill a few more of their own is it?

        • @[email protected]
          610 months ago

          Now do a backflip and say Hamas is responsible for the IDF doing the same actions in Palestine.

          • @[email protected]
            310 months ago

            That is not the same as stating what Hamas has done is not really as bad as it was because X y or Z.

            Israel has abused the situation without a doubt. Israel has ran apartheid policies for many years. Israel has been killing Palestinians and evicting them over a very long period. None of this excuses what Hamas did. I do not have a favourable opinion of either group tbf.

            • @NightAuthor
              210 months ago

              It’s both sides that are the problem, right?

          • @[email protected]
            010 months ago

            It is certainly part of the issue. Other factors you cannot ignore are the influence of Iran and Russia with the intent of adding financial pressure on the US. As well as the plan to destabilise the push Netanyahu from within Israel is under for his extreme views. This is why I say you cannot push all the blame on the Palestinians. Another side is that Hamas and Hezbollah have a very public agenda to murder all Jews in Israel. This leaves Israel with an open door too defend itself. And where there is war there is abuse.

            • @[email protected]
              310 months ago

              Israel literally is trying to murder all Gazans, so whatever Hamas may or may not desire, it’s not actually relevant. Reality is the thing that counts.

              • @[email protected]
                110 months ago

                Not strictly true when the far right in Israel are using the Rhetoric from Hamas and Hezbollah to give credit to their reasoning. What better reason to be a nasty bastard towards a group than knowing they also want to kill you. You cannot try to push that these groups are not your enemy. They even use this as an excuse to intimidate and thieve from the West Bank, who have a government that wants to resolve the problems and push Israel out of its land.

      • @S_204
        -210 months ago

        WTF kind of terrorism supporting comment is this?

        Hamas published their own videos showing them murdering civilians. They threw grenades into bomb shelters that families were hiding in.

        You’re blaming the response for people dying? The response that has been widely panned as taking too long, allowing many civilians to perish?


        • @[email protected]
          010 months ago

          Israel used terrorism to found their state.

          What makes it immoral to use against Israeli colonization?

          • @S_204
            510 months ago

            Bro, Israel was founded by UN decree. The Palestinians were given the same deal, they were actually offered a better deal in the 30s and refused. It wasn’t founded by terrorism, it was defended from immediate attack by its Arab neighbors though.

            FFS, the Palestinians had millions of dollars set aside for them to set up their government and society, funding that Israel was never provided.

            I’d suggest you read the UN declaration before going about spreading disinformation.

            Jews are indigenous to Judea. To claim they’re colonizing their Homeland is laughable. Palestine isn’t even an Arabic word, they’re colonizers from the Arabian Peninsula for crying out loud. It’s crazy that narrative took off.

            • NoneOfUrBusiness
              10 months ago

              Palestine isn’t even an Arabic word, they’re colonizers from the Arabian Peninsula for crying out loud. It’s crazy that narrative took off.

              Okay I was gonna actually respond to your points but the moment you said this I realized you don’t know much about this conflict. Palestinians are also natives of Judea, now called Palestine.

              • @S_204
                010 months ago

                Do you understand how and why the name Palestine was given to the area? Palestine isn’t an Arabic term at all, that’s because the people who you say are indigenous to the area came from the peninsula.

                • NoneOfUrBusiness
                  010 months ago

                  Sigh. Seriously read a book. Or no read a Wikipedia article.

                  Like in other “Arabized” Arab nations, the Arab identity of Palestinians, largely based on linguistic and cultural affiliation, is independent of the existence of any actual Arabian origins

                  Palestinians share a strong genetic link to the ancient Canaanites.


                  You’re currently spreading Israeli propaganda.

          • @[email protected]
            -110 months ago

            An immoral thing is immoral regardless of the reasons. Everyone thinks they are the good guy, everyone thinks their actions are justified.

          • @S_204
            -110 months ago


            Can you please use less bias sources if you’re going to attempt to spread lies?

            Like this one is known for being extreme and Antisemitic. If this is where you’re getting your information, you should probably find better sources.

        • @Linkerbaan
          10 months ago

          There was a soldier inside this bomb shelter. The IDF were clearly using civilians as human shields. Hamas had no other choice to exterminate the IDF terrorists.

          Memes aside, Hamas very clearly targeted IDF locations and their main goal was taking hostages.

          On Oct 7 they got a currently known 70% civilian casualty rate (1 in 3 kills was IDF) what is far better than America’s 90% or whatever the fuck israel is doing in Gaza right now. If anything Hamas has proven that they did not target civilians just by the civilian casualty percentage.

          • @S_204
            410 months ago

            Every citizen in Israel is a soldier or was one. That you’re using their reserve status to claim they are soldiers is disgusting.

            The Palestinians published video of themselves cheering over brutalized women and handing out sweets while being celebrated in the streets. They put baby’s in ovens. They admit this and are proud of it based on the audio from the day.

            You’re covering for terrorists that don’t even want coverage. That’s fucked up.

            • @Linkerbaan
              -410 months ago

              So a non active Hamas combatant isn’t a valid target either?

              By the way these are active IDF troops. It was a very targeted attack against the militant kibbutzes where mainly soldier’s live.

              • @S_204
                -210 months ago

                Hamas has a reserve corps? News to… the entire world there.

                These were not active soldiers, they were regular people like Vivian Silver who devoted her life to working with the Palestinian people. They were party goers at a music festival. They were families with young children. This is why they in large part weren’t armed, even though they’ve been trained. Reservists don’t have their weapons when they’re not active.

                I’d implore you to go watch the videos. This wasn’t a targeted attack, it was a breach followed by mayhem. There is audio available of terrorists phoning their parents to brag about killing families. You’re justifying this. You’re defending this. The counter offensive from Israel should be completely acceptable to you by your own logic. Very specific actions, lots of warning too. Guided missiles hitting the exact targets. All against known Hamas operatives. According to your logic the women and children are just what? Part of the targeting? It’s hard to believe you actually buy into what you’re writing but I have come across some seriously fucked up people here.

                • @Linkerbaan
                  10 months ago

                  I’m just using America logic here. If Hamas was American this would have been called a highly accurate targeted assault with minimal civilians casualties, far better than the American avarage.

                  If anything Hamas look like angels in comparison to israel which uses JDAMs on schools full of little kids and women and burns them alive or suffocates them beneath the rubble.

    • @[email protected]
      310 months ago

      Beautiful people just dancing and having a good time, many probably tripping, many rolling, everyone just there to experience joy.

    • @Madison420
      310 months ago

      You act like Israel hasn’t done the same, it’s literally how they got their country.

      • @Windex007
        10 months ago

        Omfg it’s not a dick measuring contest. You don’t need a fucking asterisk when you want to say that massacring civilians is bad

        I’m perpetually baffled by this whattaboutism. What the fuck you think anyone is going to say in response?

        Like, “oh, shit, I GUESS IT WAS OK THEN”?

        • @Madison420
          -1110 months ago

          And yet you’ve a ruler in your hand.

          No one is whatabouting, context is important and ignoring it because of inconvenience is absurd.

          Not at all, no one said that.

          • @uberkalden
            1010 months ago

            What was the point of your reply then? We know the fucking context.

            • @Madison420
              110 months ago

              I would argue most people think they know the history but honestly do not.

            • @Madison420
              10 months ago

              Nuanced intelligent argument… No wait.

              Seriously when people do this so they honestly think they’re dunking on someone who they can’t form an argument against?

                • @Madison420
                  010 months ago

                  It’s cute you think you’re accomplishing something with Internet douchebaggery.

      • @[email protected]
        1210 months ago

        I have criticised Israel for many years. How they treat Palestinians is barbaric. How the west has supported them in doing this is also barbaric. But what happened on that day was the fault of Hamas, there is no excuses.

        • @Madison420
          110 months ago

          More likely the fault of a zionist government that’s been paying the same organization for years. You can’t say the fault is solely Hamas when Israel created Hamas and let them thrive so long as they were hitting targets that were convenient to Israel.

          I do find it funny everyone who’s saying it’s terrible that hamas is killing citizens while Israel is in the West Bank right now pushing out inhabitants with extreme violence ie. Killing citizens in a country they’re occupying and destroying then economically.

          These things aren’t at all separable.

          • @[email protected]
            010 months ago

            I never once stated or inferred this was totally the fault of Hamas. Hamas are solely responsible for the events of that day where many were massacred.

            There is guilt all around over other events that has happened over the period since the Israelis were planted on the land after the war. I would argue more on the Israeli than the Palestinian side. But picking sides is not going to resolve the issues. At some point you have to bury the hatchet and move. While there are groups that deliberately want to antagonise the situation that will not happen.

            Netanyahu was under pressure to move away from his extreme right wing policies from groups in Israel. Part of the reasoning Hamas has done this is to stop that peace process gaining traction. My position is that the US should stop funding Israel while they are running an apartheid state. It is difficult to throw all the blame at Israel when you have two factions intent on the genocide of all Israelis. Until there is a change in the positions they are hanging onto, then it will not be resolved.

            • @Madison420
              10 months ago

              But what happened on that day was the fault of Hamas, there is no excuses.

              Factually incorrect, the police investigations into the festival deaths show that the 1400 number is both wrong because they weren’t all civilians nor were all of them killed by Hamas.

              Correct. No one is picking sides, Israel has a right to defend itself sure they don’t however have the right to kill ten times as many civilians and expell an entire populace they’ve been abusing for at least 30 years which is longer then the lifespan of most of the people being occupied. There is no burying the hatchet, it’s a holy war it stops when Israel has expelled Islam from the holy land as determined by both the talmud and bible as a prerequisite for for the end of days. It’s why majority Christian countries as well as countries that feel guilty about their treatment of Jews have been screeching about how Israel is totally justified in self defense though that clearly not what this is at this point.

              Yes and a coordinated strike utilizing intelligence that could only be gained from an Israeli just so happened to make their long time existential threat a very much real age very much present threat. It’s really really convenient, he might lose his position in the government but one of his chosen will fill the seat and the damage will be done. I guarantee Israel takes Gaza as a security measure that will lead to annexation, it was a good plan horrific but very effective.

              • @[email protected]
                -110 months ago

                No one is picking sides, Israel has a right to defend itself sure they don’t however have the right to kill ten times as many civilians and expell an entire populace they’ve been abusing for at least 30 years

                I have been very critical of Israel actions for many years. Check my history. The atrocities that Israel are responsible for are abhorrent. But two wrongs do not make a right.

                • @Madison420
                  -110 months ago

                  I don’t care about what you’ve said outside of right here right now. You say it’s totally hamas’s fault, that’s just factually incorrect. You cannot judge this by limiting time scales, it all matters and it all has an effect on every other action.

                  No one said two wrongs make a right, you’re just conflating things.

        • @Madison420
          110 months ago

          Oh yeah, how so. Was it the history that I commented about that tipped you off somehow that I don’t know the history.

  • @Godric
    4010 months ago

    Bravo Hamas, not knowing that the festival was taking place, and deciding to murder hundreds on the spot, real on your feet thinking /s

    I somehow feel like that’s even more despicable.

    • @MeanEYE
      2010 months ago

      It is, and it also makes all of their claims of not wanting to kill civilians drop in water. If the goal was to attack army base, then when they saw the festival they should have just moved around it, instead they decided to start shooting. At that point claims of not wanting to kill civilians just doesn’t make sense anymore. It also shows they just wanted to kill without discrimination. They didn’t care who gets killed as long as life was taken.

      • NoneOfUrBusiness
        010 months ago

        I mean given that one of the goals of the operation was to take hostages it makes sense they wouldn’t just leave it be. Not making any statements about their conduct during the operation, but it’s a little too early to assume they just went in blasting. We already know that there are civilians who were killed by IDF fire.

    • @Stamau123
      1110 months ago

      It’s because it is

      “Don’t blame us, we smelt blood on the air and our kill-instincts activated!”