found on the RPG magazine on Kbin, some decent OC. Trying to drum up an audience for D&D across Lemmy, the subs I’ve seen seem fairly inactive.
What’s your favorite D20 system based game that isn’t D&D?
I’m really into the swse (Star Wars Saga Edition) system; it’s fairly old at this point and been out of print for a decade, but it’s talent system and ability to really customize your character has always appealed to me. So much so that I made the Saga Edition Wiki and a Saga Edition Character Generator just to facilitate ease of use.
Dnd on is pretty active I think.
My favorite system currently is Pathfinder 2e. The teamplay oriented tactical combat paired with tight balancing and tons of character options are a treat. The GM side works well and monsters in the monster books are super fun to use as is. Made me realize how bad dnd 5e is in those regards.
The best non 5e system is Shadow of the demon lord. It’s a Pathfinder×5e×Whf hatechild that combines every reasonable take Schwalb had during the 5e development into on beautiful game.