Wanted to post some more common owls today and I found a small photo gallery by Susan Carlson that had a handful of nice owl photos.

It starts to get dead in my field of work this time of year, so there isn’t much to do, so like this cute Barred Owl, I’m just trying to stay awake this morning.

Enjoy the owls! I’m curious to see what your favorite is today.

It feels like activity has died down a bit, but glancing at the number of likes in Top 6 Hours for All seems to be lower than I remember as well. Anyone else feeling a lull in Lemmy traffic in the other communities you frequent?

  • anon6789OP
    107 months ago

    Snowy Owl taking a stretch

  • anon6789OP
    107 months ago

    Short Eared Owl

  • anon6789OP
    97 months ago

    Red morph Eastern Screech Owl

  • anon6789OP
    87 months ago

    A more awake Barred Owl

    • anon6789OP
      47 months ago

      It was just what I was looking for this morning. I was feeling like I’d been doing too many uncommon owls and I was starting to miss the typical ones for where I live.

      I also thought I’d been feeling a bit negative toward the Barred Owls lately as well. In looking up all the articles and posts for things here, I come across bad PR for the Barred Owls pretty often.

      It’s nesting season, and there very territorial, so there’s all kinds of stories of Barred Owl attacks on people and dogs, all kinds of conservation issues that the Barred Owl is on the wrong side of, and the US Fish and Wildlife Service has announced going forward with a Barred Owl reduction plan, so I wanted to see them being cute and happy instead today.

      They’re in an unfortunate position these days, due to their success as predators and one of the more aggressive species that has been able to keep adapting to an ever changing ecosystem. It can be too easy to start thinking of animals as bad if they aren’t doing what we want them to. But they’re just being themselves and trying to survive the day and raise their babies.

      • @[email protected]
        27 months ago

        I didn’t hear about that. I just looked at some articles. It is unfortunate that’s the answer they always come up with. I’m no where near smart enough to know what to do. I can understand the extra deer licenses when overpopulated but at least people eat deer meat.

        • anon6789OP
          17 months ago

          I knew they were doing it, but I didn’t think the number was that high. With owls being so hidden all the time, it’s hard to believe there are that many out there total, let alone that many to remove from the population of just one owl.

          And it’s moreso sad, I think, in that they’re being punished for being successful. But the Spotted Owls are very fragile in comparison, and with governments refusing to provide sanctuary, there aren’t many options left.

          I usually won’t link that kind of article here, but I see many where the rangers are heartbroken they have to hurt one species they love to protect another. I know I wouldn’t like that job. 😢

          It would be nice if our leaders could judge industry and each other as swiftly as they do the animals. We suffer for all these loses too, we just dont catch on as fast as the animals.

  • @Alchemy
    37 months ago

    What excellent owls!

    • anon6789OP
      37 months ago

      I’m always happy to hear people enjoy them!