I keep finding comments I made that have weird typos in them that I know came from autocorrect. I typed “disruptively” or something very close to that, and it turned into “disruptive let”. But thats far from the only instance. If I did fat finger the y and hit t, I’d rather “disruptivelt” than “disruptive let”, the first seems much more obvious that its a typo, the second could be quite confusing depending on the context since its now 2 english words.

    • @NightAuthorOP
      26 months ago

      Yeah, the new one is using some sort of adaptive machine learning. I’m sure it’d learn well if I typed slower and realized instantly when it made a bad edit, but I dont, and I’m pretty sure coming back to do the edit doesn’t teach it properly (if I even notice later to make the correction)

  • @LifeInOregon
    17 months ago

    I experienced this early on, but it seems to have mostly resolved itself in the last few weeks. I’m not positive what the difference is, but I wasn’t far from just turning it off all together and then things just got better out of the blue.

    What are you on 17.0.1, 17.0.2, 17.1, etc?

    • @NightAuthorOP
      17 months ago


      It’d probably learn better if I noticed while I was typing, but I usually only see it later.