This will be good for lots of DD we shall prevail my PPs. We have been silenced but we will roar!!

  • @magicnutz
    2310 months ago

    I hope this becomes the main platform. X is a cesspool and I could care less about seeing others talking crap lol. I keep seeing it on there and it’s annoying having to scroll through it all.

    • @accidentalJig
      1010 months ago

      +1. Twitter is a horrible format for any sort of in-depth discussion, or even catching up on news. Lemmy isn’t ideal, but tolerable, and should serve PP interests just fine.

    • @[email protected]
      910 months ago

      At the very least this is a great place to have a durable backup for DD. It’s hard following Twitter/X bc everything is real time and there’s so much noise.

      Threaded, upvote-ordered conversations are super helpful.

    • @[email protected]
      710 months ago

      This is a good place to have the DD in a forum as twitter is not that great for it. A way to bring content over from twitter is to cross post over here. Nice thing is the DRSyourGME team also has a server here so we are truly becoming decentralized. Here is the DRSyourGME community Lemmy:

  • @neil_soiam
    1110 months ago

    Are we moving to this? Feels like a good alternative to Reddit.

    Tried creating an X account yesterday, but it keeps erroring at the final step. It’s exhausting after all those captcha’s, so I’ll try again another time.

  • @HStreet
    910 months ago

    Glad we have another home. Fuck Reddit!

    Thanks Hey_Ross for setting it up.

  • @Sghetti
    910 months ago

    Yeeeeeeeee, they scurd!

  • @WallyBuck
    710 months ago

    Great to fucking see You man! 😅

  • @omaha
    410 months ago

    Open the casino! Not really, but are there gifs?

  • @qwertychomp
    310 months ago

    What is this community!? It just randomly appeared in my feed and I have no idea what this is lmao

    • @udon_corleone
      510 months ago

      it’s a weird one but behind all of the smoke and mirrors, it’s a group of investors who are closely following the Bed Bath & Beyond (BBBY) bankruptcy.

      We’ve been watching as hedge funds have conjured up billions of shares (many more than actually exist) and sold them all to drive the price down. This (illegal) practice is called naked shorting, and it’s how a popular household name has been forced into bankruptcy.

      Still, bankruptcy is a process and the story’s not over yet.

    • @Milkpowder44
      10 months ago

      Basically a group of people who invest in Ryan Cohen ($GME and $BBBYQ and Teddy) and Carl Icahn ($IEP). Look for theppshow on Youtube.

  • @harvestmoon3k
    210 months ago

    welp…my cake day for reddit is 11/23. i guess it is fitting that it be my cake day for here as well…

  • @[email protected]
    110 months ago

    Decentralized or user owned and run platforms will prevent what happened on Reddit from happening again. So important to embrace these options!