And what TV shows have some of the best, most natural dialogue?
Anytime a character refers to their siblings as “Sis” or “Bro”
“Help me bro, I’m stuck in the dryer!”
“I’m coming sis!”
Yeah, that checks out.
I would say Gilmore Girls, courtesy of my SO.
Worst is when it’s clearly a paid sponsorship, like when someone says to “Bing it”
“I’ll create a GUI interface using Visual Basic. See if we can track an IP address”
Pretty much all of the shiny cookie cutter streaming dramas. Every single fucking character in every single fucking scene is monologuing. Everything is SO IMPORTANT. Yellowstone is a horrible offender in this regard, I could not get into it because I just wanted to see some… normal shit after a while. These shows beat you over the head and it’s tiring.
not dialogue but there is this thing with fiction shows in time periods where they portray it so unrealistic that it sorta ruins the show for me. Biggest culprits are bbc and the now defunt cw.