• @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    has hundreds of private messaging applications that their friends won’t use

    This hurts

  • @[email protected]
    371 year ago

    Which one are you?

    Oh nice try government, I won’t fingerprint myself in a public comment like some kind of sucker 😏

    • @418teapot
      1 year ago

      Hah, too late. You’re already being linguistically fingerprinted by your grammar and word choice. Only option now is to not comment on public forums anymore I guess. 😩

  • @PabloPicasshole
    171 year ago

    Tech Conservative here but don’t 100% agree with the icons shown. Everyone has their own needs and reasons to be the way they are and that’s ok.

  • @Crow
    141 year ago

    Lol using tails as a main OS. That’s something.

      • Nanachi
        141 year ago

        True paranoids don’t use computers. They build a wooden cabin in northern Finland, grow their fish from FOSS genecode since other fishes have microplastic tracker chips inside them now, develop a supernatural sense to see “glowie” auras, and only talk in smoke signals feds do not understand (It runs on the Matrix protocol) all while following FSF philosophy

  • @marcos
    121 year ago

    What’s the problem with e-books? Even more the ones you download into your computer and open with okular or some emacs e-pub mode?

    (Anyway, I don’t know what half of those icons are.)

    • @ricdeh
      51 year ago

      Yeah, it’s a meme, best not to overthink it, it does only make a limited amount of sense lol

  • @jacktherippah
    101 year ago

    I’m in the same boat. I feel like going any further than Newborn Paranoid and you start sacrificing so much of your time, money and convenience it’s not worth it anymore.

  • @spaceguy
    101 year ago

    Definitely tech conservative. I’m aware of all the problems with big tech and closed source software but I’m not going to jump through major hoops to make sure I’m adhering to Stallman’s principles.

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    To be honest, Void doesn’t belong in newborn paranoid. That distro is so so far from every other Linux distro regarding GNU philosophy. They’re closer to the *BSD philosophy than anything else, but it doesn’t fit nicely there as well. Generally, Void has this “if it passes all tests, we merge it” philosophy. It has a lot of proprietery software in the non-free repo.

    From what I’ve gathered so far, their point of view is, if it works, why not use it (which is also my point of view to be honest, so I’m absoluteley fine with that). They didn’t even go dark with their sub on reddit. There was a post asking what will the Void sub do about the protest, that post got deleted. Bascially, they see the sub as a means to an end, nothing more. They don’t have to run a forum for troubleshooting problems, it’s free (as in beer) and it works just fine. They probably don’t use any mod tools or very little (it’s a small sub), thus, this API thing doesn’t affect them at all, so they see no reason to go dark.

    I’m not even a tech conservative, I use Linux cuz it’s fun and challenging, plus you learn new things all the time. Those are my main resons. Sure I could do the same with *BSD, but it’s got a lot less software and drivers, so I just stick to Linux (mostly).

  • @5SpeedDeasil
    101 year ago

    I’m between newborn paranoid and tech paranoid. I wish my friends and family would stop using spyware but it’s out of my control

    • @ricdeh
      21 year ago

      Same, though I don’t get what is supposed to be the problem with Firefox

      • @5SpeedDeasil
        31 year ago

        I think it’s cause “Firefox is good but could be better”. Type thing. I use Firefox and LibreWolf. LibreWolf is a hardened version of Firefox

        • @ricdeh
          21 year ago

          Ah, I see. I always liked Mozilla because they are non-profit and contribute extremely much to FOSS/FLOSS, but I will take a look at LibreWolf, thanks!

          • @flyer3741
            21 year ago

            I chose to use Firefox since it’s the only alternative to all the other chromium browsers, but I do switch between it and Brave from time to time

  • @shotgun_crab
    101 year ago

    Tech conservative for the most part. I prefer FOSS, but I’m fine with using some propietary software

  • @Secret300
    91 year ago

    between tech Conservative and Newborn Paranoid as well

  • Ph03n1x443
    91 year ago

    This is marvelous

    —Tech Conservative