Ohio’s new constitutional projections for abortion access and other reproductive rights are supposed to take effect Dec. 7, a month after voters resoundingly passed them. That prospect seems increasingly uncertain.

Existing abortion-related lawsuits are moving again through the courts now that voters have decided the issue, raising questions about how and when the amendment will be implemented.

The amendment declared an individual’s right to “make and carry out one’s own reproductive decisions” and passed with a strong 57% majority. It was the seventh straight victory in statewide votes for supporters of abortion access nationally since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned constitutional protections.

But the amendment did not repeal any existing Ohio laws, providing an opening for Republican elected officials and anti-abortion groups to renew their efforts to halt, delay or significantly water it down.

    • Flying Squid
      7810 months ago

      Bush Jr. - got in after losing the popular vote.

      Trump - got in after losing the popular vote.

      Is it any wonder Republicans hate democracy?

      • ares35
        3510 months ago

        multiple studies have shown bush would have lost 2000 had his daddy’s and reagan’s scotus not intervened.

        • Flying Squid
          3010 months ago

          And Trump would have lost in 2016 if we didn’t have an archaic electoral college system that should be abolished. How can people call America a democracy when the will of the people doesn’t matter? Trump says it’s all rigged, and he’s right. It’s rigged. In his favor.

        • @teamevil
          1010 months ago

          Then they put one of his lawyers on the goddamn Supreme Court…

        • SeaJ
          210 months ago

          Not quite. The Gore campaign pushed for recounting in four heavily Democratic counties. Had that been finished, Gore still would have lost. A recount of the whole state would have led to him winning though. That kinda of tells me that red counties suck at counting Democratic votes.

      • @[email protected]
        1310 months ago

        Watched one of them (can’t remember who, it doesn’t matter.)say that this abortion measure passing is why complete democracy is a bad idea.

  • Ghostalmedia
    5410 months ago

    So much for the decades of republicans claiming they wanted voters at the state level to decide about abortion.

    • SeaJ
      510 months ago

      I don’t think they ever claimed they wanted voters at the state level to decide it, at least not directly. They prefer the legislators do it.

  • @NocturnalMorning
    4910 months ago

    Good way to get people to riot, and vote you out of office is to ignore your constituents direct vote.

    • @TallonMetroid
      2510 months ago

      That’s why the Christofascists are so gung-ho about voter suppression. Can’t vote you out if the rubes can’t vote!

    • @misterundercoat
      1810 months ago

      The problem is that the conservative minority has a stranglehold on the state legislature thanks to extreme gerrymandering.

    • @captainlezbian
      910 months ago

      Fortunately for them they also get away with ignoring our anti gerrymandering constitutional amendment. Every district in Ohio is either a pack district or a crack district.

    • SeaJ
      310 months ago

      Republicans were successful in doing that in Florida by blocking most ex cons from voting. There was no mention in the amendment about court fees. Now because of that horse shit, most of them still cannot vote.

  • @[email protected]
    4210 months ago

    One of my employees fell hard for an ultra-religious girl from there. She made him read through Revelations when he went out to visit her, and she was very involved in campaigning against abortion rights. Naturally, I thought she sounded like a stupid bitch, and I was very pleased to hear that their relationship crashed and burned and she lost the abortion vote, all within the span of two weeks.

    • deweydecibel
      10 months ago

      Hang on, I need more details. This employee “fell hard” for a girl in another state, and went to “visit” her there, only to then discover she was a religious nut? How did they even meet? And if she’s this religious, how could you have missed the countless red flags beforehand? Does she hold off on the reading assignments until you physically come to her home?

      People like this are proud of being such backwards, Bible-thumbing morons. They wear this shit on their sleeve. That must have been quite the bamboozle to get them out to visit only to then spring that on them.

      But hey, at least it was only Revelations, which is easily the most entertaining of the books in the Bible, in so far as reading any of them could ever seriously be considered enjoyable.

      • @[email protected]
        210 months ago

        Neighboring countries. He is also very religious, but is a pretty normal guy otherwise. A little shy. Met her online and rushed a little quickly into meeting her after they had hit it off. He knew about the Revelations thing beforehand and told me it sounded a little odd. I asked him if she was a Jehova’s Witness (suspecting she was trying to convert him maybe?), but he said he didn’t think so. I didn’t ask any more questions about that part, but I guess the visit has gone well enough. Things quickly fell apart afterward, though.