Hello there! I’m currently using telegram FOSS from fdroid, and don’t have telegram premium. It’s okay to have limitations on animated emoji and such, that are limitations imposed by the server, but I really cannot tolerate limitations imposed by the client. I want to rearrange folders. It won’t make me do it without premium. Total bullshit. I want to hide the awful ads on channels. It won’t make me hide them without premium. Hateful. Is there a client that just removes all thos idiotic antifeatures from the official client?
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I tried installing nekogam X from fdroid and it does not let me rearrange the folders, is it the same app you linked or a different one?
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Don’t worry, thanks anyway!
this is against the terms of use of the Telsgram API, but you can find hacked clients on Mobilism
…really? I mean, what if I write my own client from scratch? I should include this crap or I won’t be able to publish it? Or is it just a “problem” of forks?
I may be wrong, but I remember that if you create your own app, it should include either all premium features or none at all.
Where do you get ads? Never ever seen a telegram ad.
How do you plan on organising without premium? Isn’t that server side?
Sometimes on channels arrives a message about usually crypto stuff completely unrelated to the channel, with an X button, and if you click it it says “pass to premium to remove”
What do you mean by plan? I only want to rearrange the order of the folders, but the “all chats” folder cannot be moved (settings > folders > if you have other folders try moving one as the first one and see what happens)