When I first joined Reddit I really enjoyed the conversations I had with other people. I don’t really care about internet points and I always just sought out people whose opinions are different than my own to get diverse perspectives. In this way, subreddits centered around a particular point of view would guarantee me a conversation that was engaging and perhaps an opportunity to learn something.

But lately I noticed that moderators on that site have been using their bans to simply silence dissenting opinions and control the narrative and looking through moderator code of conduct it seems that the practice is not discouraged at all.

The first ban I ever received on that site was just a few months ago when I wrote just two sentences in response to someone. My post was not offensive in any way and I was writing in good faith. This was also the first time I ever posted on that subreddit. The moderator who permanently banned me claimed I was just to stupid to be allowed to continue posting in their community.

I am certainly capable of profound stupidity but just not the type one could devise in just a few sentences so I suspect that moderator was not being genuine with me.

Since then I have received two more permanent bans for posts which again were made in good faith and not racist, sexist, or displaying any obvious reason to take such a drastic action. Never a warning that I was violating the rules or a even a temporary ban. When I ask the moderator why, I get “muted”. A permanent ban should be for obvious trolling, spammers or people who repeatedly violate the subreddit rules. Not for just expressing a different opinion.

I feel like a certain breed of moderator has hijacked most of the subreddits I would have once found interesting to participate in. They come with a mandate to advance a specific agenda and it seems like Reddit’s fate has to become just like every other social media website that groups people by their beliefs while re-enforcing and radicalizing them.

Oh and the first moderator that banned me, he is active on the fediverse as well and they have re-created their community on kbin. So I suspect these types of people will eventually control the communities here as well.

  • @Candelestine
    3410 months ago

    It’s gotten worse over there.

    Nice thing about the Fediverse is how difficult it is to really control, due to its decentralized nature. It’s unquestionable that some bad actors will acquire positions of power here, that’s just inevitable. It’s not an internet thing, it’s a life thing. Corruption.

    But here anyone’s actual ability to dominate any particular subject matter is slashed down, just by the ease of creating nearly identically named duplicate communities.

    It’s still possible, and will occasionally happen, but its just harder here.

  • physcx
    3010 months ago

    I think that the lemmy/kbin fediverse communities are honestly more of a bubble than Reddit is. To some extent Reddit has gone mainstream (critical mass) and so yes you get some bubbles from moderation but the averages for up/down votes probably more accurately (than fediverse anyway) reflect societies opinions. fediverse suffers from bubbles in a different way where it hasn’t reached critical mass and from what I can tell, marginalized groups have flocked to the fediverse more quickly than most and thus have outsized representation her. And that is reflected in the posts that make the front page on instances. At least on kbin judging from the posts that make front page one might assume half of the people out there are autistic, adhd, lgbtq+, Star Trek fans. Unless my understanding of current demographics is way off, those groups make up a much smaller sample of the overall population. Not saying this is a problem but from someone that doesn’t really fall into any marginalized groups, the opinions upvoted and popular on this site often do not align with what the general population (at least in the USA) tends to think and, perhaps unfortunately, also vote for.

    • livus
      2210 months ago

      Reddit has a huge number of bots and shills who astroturf it like crazy.

      I used to hunt bots there as a hobby. It was scary how many there were even back then, and that’s before reddit destroyed the third party mod tools and Bot Defense shut down.

      • physcx
        310 months ago

        Ah I guess I don’t have context into that side of Reddit but given reddits scale, is a huge number of bots 1% of traffic/posts? 5%, 25%? How bad was it from your experience?

        • livus
          1510 months ago

          I would have put it at around 5% back then. In some subs (advice subs like AITA and meme subs) it was not uncommon to see two or three bots talking to each other and being upvoted.

          Their methods were pretty crude back then so the combination of AI and lack of moderation is probably making it much worse now. In the past couple of years bots have accounted for almost half of all web traffic.

          Here’s an interesting example of the kind of work that was being done before reddit put a stop to it.

          • @PeleSpirit
            9 months ago

            deleted by creator

            • livus
              310 months ago

              From memory about 25% of all traffic is bad bots (malware etc) and the other half is benign if sometimes a bit spammy.

    • physcx
      110 months ago

      It is nice though and often eye opening to read about a lot of the problems and ideas that people have that may not be mainstream. I feel like even when I disagree with posts in the fediverse, I’m learning a lot.

  • @TechNerdWizard42
    1710 months ago

    I know it will happen here, I hope it doesn’t. I paid for multiple premium accounts, had millions of fake internet points, and was/am well regarded in most communities. The final straw was when I posted a factual statement, with evidentiary links, that disagreed with a mod. Instant permaban and mute. I am at least in the top 1% of experts in this field, volunteering my time and energy to help other people for what? To have to lie when someone stupid doesn’t understand? Nope. Cancelled all my accounts, edited most of my extensive post history to remove any helpful information, and left a complaint form in the never checked reddit corporate account email. My small protest will do absolutely nothing. But I can’t keep posting anything there, I’m just done with it.

  • @Waluigis_Talking_Buttplug
    10 months ago

    I made a post to a movie sub reddit about how Deckard had to be a replicant because he had a child with one, the mod deleted my post and banned me from the sub and said it was lukewarm bullshit, and when I told him to go fuck himself for being rude my entire account was banned from reddit as a whole.

    • poo
      510 months ago

      This was basically my experience too. Huge orchestrated echo chamber.

  • RickRussell_CA
    1210 months ago

    I was banned from /r/food for pointing out that someone’s “homemade” breakfast consisted of a toaster waffle and a frozen hash brown.

    The moderator who banned me went through my post history, combing it for things they disapproved of, and made sure to highlight various deficiencies of my character in their ban explanation.

    • XIIIesq
      10 months ago

      I dislike low effort posts. I think some mods put up with them because they knew their subs would be ghost towns without them.

      No doubt the post you’re talking about had 1000 upvotes. I could never understand who those people were.

  • FlavoredButtHair
    1110 months ago

    I got sitewide banned for disagreeing with a mod on r/thatsinsane. There was a video of a guy drinking salad dressing from the spoon of the buffet. I made the comment that the guy should be banned. We’ll the automod thought that was promoting hate speech or violence. The fuck? Somebody posted a disgusting video and the guy shouldn’t be punished that’s in the video?

    Before that I was muted on r/cordcutters for disagreeing with a mod. Reddit was awesome maybe 5/yrs ago. But now it’s just unemployed people sitting in their parents basement “working”. MySpace went down because of Facebook. I think we can do the same thing here.

    • @havokdj
      210 months ago

      MySpace went down because of Facebook, Digg went down because of Reddit. I don’t see Lemmy ever fully taking over reddit’s place, but we still have a pretty good thing going here.

  • @Crampon
    710 months ago

    I stopped engaging on the site after the API changes. I made a decent amount of OC on various subreddits. I believe a lot of people did the same. Now the front page is litttered with only fans ads and celebrity gossip.

    I still lurk on my subscribed subreddits on the PC with the right plugins to make Reddit bearable.

    A wake-up call was when someone on a dedicated subreddit said that left side politics have never hurt anyone, and I told them they would be stoked to hear about the Soviet or Venezuela, and received a permanent ban for it. Reddit is now a propaganda tool with users engaging in hyper normalisation the narrative. Anyone questioning the emperors new clothes is expelled.

    • @deadlyduplicateOP
      510 months ago

      Yeah the quality of content has definitely degraded since the API changes and these insular hive minded communities have only become more so, probably because those are the type of people that stayed. And Lemmy just isn’t quite there in terms of catering to niche topics that was keeping me on reddit.

  • XIIIesq
    10 months ago

    I got banned from r/worldnews for being a “covidiot”, my only ever ban on Reddit in 14 years. I wasn’t talking about conspiracies, I wasn’t claiming that masks, vaccines or lockdowns weren’t effective or anything else like that. I just had a different point of view of the pandemic from the mainstream that I was trying to debate in good faith.

    The mod that banned me wouldn’t admit it but they simply wanted an echo chamber. Some mods are nothing but volunteers that pay themselves in powertrips. Fuck them.

      • XIIIesq
        10 months ago

        It was so long a go that I actually can’t remember and I’m a little beyond getting back in to COVID debates.

        All I’m saying is that I didn’t say anything non-factual or let the debate degrade to name calling or anything like that. I was just trying to express a point of view that didn’t wholly conform to Reddits hivemind.

    • @god_is_love
      110 months ago

      I’m sad you were downvoted for this. People claim they want this site to be different from Reddit but when the hear certain buzzwords they stop listening and hit the downvote button 🙄

      • XIIIesq
        110 months ago

        I was sad too but I’ve been voted back up again! Have faith, RIP to the Reddit hivemind! :D

  • DreamySweet
    410 months ago

    The great thing about Lemmy is that you can make your own instance with your own moderation policies if you don’t like how things are done elsewhere.

  • @RampantParanoia2365
    10 months ago

    Huh. I got permanently banned for saying what I would do to Donald Trump - who I blamed for major medical staffing shortages - if he were in the Emergency waiting room with me, where I had been waiting all day for abdominal pain.

  • @[email protected]
    310 months ago

    I’m not sure I got any bans that weren’t for posting in an unapproved sub.

    What’s important about lemmy is that it’s an iteration on a specific type of social media, just like mastodon is an iteration. They’re an attempt to improve some flaws and I think it’s a move in the right direction, but they won’t be the end. I agree moderation is going to be a petty shit show, and I’m not sure defederation is enough to fix that. We’ll see.

  • froggers
    310 months ago

    i mod 2 communities, if I ever start dishing out bans for stupid shit, pls someone shoot me

  • @MaximilianKohler
    110 months ago

    Someone should create an alternative for this sub (on lemm.ee, etc.) so we don’t have that problem with Reddit discussion on Lemmy.

  • @joystick
    -210 months ago

    Lemmy does this, too. Especially happens if you’re not pro-Palestinian.