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I recently got into Arch Linux via EndeavourOS. I’m trying to find a way to remember all the Pacman and Yay commands, but I’m not able to find a good approach to remembering most of the commands.

Does anybody have any mnemonics to help with this? For example, how did you remember that Yay -Yc was the command to remove all unneeded dependencies?

  • ferret
    41 year ago

    I just look it up every time, I don’t remove packages often. Also yay can usually figure out pacman flags when you use them with it

  • @[email protected]
    31 year ago

    According to the manpage --Yay --clean is the thought behind it, its a Yay specific shortcut for pacman -Rs $(pacman -Qqdt) Remove recursive what the Query quiet (short names) on the database lists as unrequired t

    Now -Yc does not sound that bad.

    It is still good to learn the verbose commands for pacman/paru/yay from the manpages, once you are familiar with them its easy to build more advanced commands for special use-cases.

  • @Solumbran
    11 year ago

    I just use pamac. Almost never have to use pacman directly, except if somehow something broke with pamac, which is rare.

  • @[email protected]
    11 year ago

    Tldr and tealdeer in the arch repo are both helpful, but Ill do you one better since someone already beat me to it. I found fish shell’s tab completion with either tool to be immensely helpful if you’re not trying to stay stock standard. But if you’re working on a lot of remote machines you don’t own stick with bash/zsh.

    There’s some easy to find fuzzy search and linting for for history plugins that mean if you found it once you can do it again in whichever shell.

    Its mostly familiarity, but i don’t think I could function without fzf.